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  1. your letter is as modern as the world now is. it is good in a way you wanted to establish sanatana dharma. as per that there is no jatis. it is oly classes of people who will do what job. in that there is an allocation for reciting the vedas for the betterment of all. but if we look at the scientific/political/modernmind then we may think why it cant be done by all. or wht is wrong in it. but if we look at an office or a factory, we see the work is divided to all and as long as each one does his job then the actual product will come. if a puen or a worker thinks and says why cant i do the design job then things will result in chayos. this is what that has happened to our society. this has been done by the brtish who ruled us for their own benifits. vedas are the breath of this world and to learn and recite you have to be groomed in a life. this cant be done overnight. even done the actual result will not be there. our thinking has to be to abolish the present political system and revert back to the old system then things will become better.
  2. The Lord says in the Gita: "It is I who am known by all the Vedas "(Vedaisca sarvair aham eva vedyah). " Instead of describing himself as "Vedakrd" (creator of the Vedas), he calls himself "Vedantakrd" (creator of philosophical system that is the crown of the Vedas). He also refers to himself as "Vedavid" (he who knows the Vedas). Before Vedanta that enshrines great philosophical truths had been made know to mankind, the Vedas had existed in the form of sound, as the very breath of Isvara -- they were (and are) indeed Isvara dwelling in Isvara. The Bhagavata too, like the Gita, does not state that the Lord created the Vedas. It declares that they occurred in a flash in his heart, that they came to him in a blaze of light. The word used on this context is "Sphuranam", occurring in the mind in a flash. Now we cannot apply this word to any thing that is created a new, any thing that did not exist before. Bramha is the premordial sage who saw all the mantras. But it was the Parmatman who revealed them to him. Did he transmit them orally? No, says the Bhagavatha. The paramatman imparted the Vedas to Bramha through his heart: " Tene Bramha hrdaya Adikavaye" says the very first verse of that Purana. The Vedas were not created by the Parmatman. The truth is that they are always present in his heart. When he mearly resolved to pass on the Vedas to Bramha the latter instantly received them. And with their sound he began the work of creation.
  3. Our reformers want to do away with varna dharma so as to make Hinduism no different from other faiths. BUT GANDHI BELIEVED IN HINDUISM BUT OPPOSED THE UNTOUCHABILITY WHICH WAS A SOCIAL EVIL DURING HIS TIME. SRI NARAYANA GURU AND HIS TEACHINGS Sir, In Kerala the birthplace of the famous religious reformer Sri Narayana Guru, where his 150 years of birth is being celebrated by the organization he established. Many political leaders address meetings remembering the teachings of this famous Guru. What they are after is not the real upliftment of the lower castes but their own upliftment in the society. Is it possible for the present day leaders to achieve what they really think? Are the teachings of Sri Narayana Guru, One god, one religion and one caste, can be followed by all in the present Hindu religion? Has the aim for which he established the organization is achieved? What is actually happening there is different? The lower castes like scheduled tribes continue to be treated in the same way they were during the time of the Guru. It is the politicians who are rewarding the people who are running the organization with power for votes. His followers are not achieving the real ideals for which many reformers fought? Our reformers want to do away with Varna dharma so as to make Hinduism no different from other faiths. Sri narayana guru fought the domination of upper castes in the places of worship and their treatment as untouchables in the society. No one actually understood the reasons for this state at that time. Everyone praised the guru in his efforts for getting equal rights in places of worship. Even Mahatma Gandhi was fighting the social evil untouchability, which was prevalent during that time. What were the reasons for this no one went in to the real cause of it. They blamed only the Brahmins for all this evils and thought if they can eliminate the cast called Brahmins then all untouchables will get their rights. No reformer can think on this line and achieve the desired aim. If so then the society will not progress further but will only pave the way for total destruction of the human race as it is. It is true that Brahmins were also to be blamed for all this. They left their basic job of learning the vedas and teaching it to others. Others followed suit and it resulted in chaos, which we are facing to day. By creating a society free of caste and religion can the ideals for which these reformers fought can be achieved? Vedas are the basic for our creation and sustenance. All religious practices came from that. All religions came from it. Even Buddha was not against vedas but he was against sacrifices, which were followed by the people. Even now this has not stopped and people still believe in them. If we forget this and stop-learning vedas then there is no way these reformers can achieve what is actually needed for the society. For this we do require some one who can continue to do the job of learning the vedas and continue in the society. If we think that every one can learn the vedas then we must do it and prove it. The aim of reformers should be to provide ways for progress of a society and not neglect of one particular class. IN HINDUISM for many centuries the society was classified in to four groups of people according to the various duties they were required to perform for the betterment of society. This way of living was followed by the people for generations and there was no problem for the people as they were living happily doing their hereditary jobs. In India before the advent of foreigners, the practice of following the hereditary jobs was in practice. The kings who were the rulers of a particular area were able to look after the need of all. This included the Brahmins, Ksatriyas and other groups. The advent of foreigners and the exploitation by them brought an end to the age-old traditional way of living and lead to the degeneration of the society as a whole. Now we have people who are talking about the upliftment of lower class, jobs for all and so on. Is it possible to for them to provide jobs for all in the present system? The answer is no. Why? If we look at ourselves how we were living before say thousand years and how we are living now we will find the answers for this. The Indian society though encompasses a vast area of Indian subcontinent, was primarily following one religion that is Hinduism. This religion is older than all other religions, which came later. It was a way of living for all rather than a religion. In that though it was divided by various groups the final aim of all was same. Mukti or moksha for this world. The division of society based on jobs was a healthy system, which was accepted by all in the system. By abandoning it saying it is not required for the present day modern living lead to all evils, which is plaguing the present system. Until unless we revive the age-old Varna system and follow it religiously, we will not be able to provide the jobs and other privileges we are promising to all can be achieved. The tall claims by all the present day politicians and various religious organizations that they can provide all what they are promising in various meeting are only to fool the people. The real welfare can come only if the society is willing to change itself from the west and start believing in our own religious beliefs and the system, which was there before ages. Will it happen in the near future? " I have often shown the distinction between Varnasrama and untouchability. I have defended the one as a rational, scientific, fact and condemned the other as an excrescence and unmitigated evil . . . . I do regard Varnasrama as healthy division of work based on birth . . . . Varnasrama, in my opinion, was not conceived in any narrow spirit. On the contrary, it gave the labourer, the Sudra, the same status as the thinker, the Brahmin. It provided for the accentuation of merit and elimination of demerit, and it transformed human ambition from the general worldly sphere to the permanent and the spiritual. The aim of the Brahmin and Sudra was common -moksa of Self-realisation, not realisation of fame, riches and power. " - From My Varnashrama Dharma by M. K. Gandhi.
  4. What is sound? According to modern science, it is vibration. "If you examine the core of an atom you will realise that all matter is one. " This Advaitic conclusion is arrived at according to nuclear science and the concepts of Einstein. All this world is one flood of energy (sakti); everything is an electromagnetic flow. But how do we account for the manifestation of different objects? It is to be attributed to different type of vibrations. Where there is vibration there is a sound. Conversely, to produce a sound the vibration corresponding to it must also be created. The scientific concept that the different vibrations of the same energy are the cause of creation is the same as the belief that world was created with the breath of the Paramatman manifesting itself as the sound of the Vedas. The Vedic seers have the name of "mantra-drastas" --a "drasta" is one who sees. In Tamil it is "parppavan". "Parppan" also means the same thing. If the sages "saw" the mantras it would mean that they did not "hear" them. Which of the two versions is correct? Did the sages see the mantras or did they hear them? If they saw them, in what script did they appear? There was no script at the time, neither Devanagari nor Grantha nor Brahmi, the basis of all. But, then, the sound of Vedas, their svaras, cannot be truly written down in any script. The answer to this problem is that when the sages were meditating the mantras of the Vedas appeared to them in a flash in their hearts. It may be that in this state of theirs they could neither see nor hear anything. The mantras must have appeared in a flash in the inner recesses of their minds. In sum, the Vedas are not anyone's compositions. The sages did not create them, nor were inscribed by the Paramatman on palm-leaves. If the cosmos of sound (sabda-prapanca) enfolds all creation and what is beyond it, it must naturally be immensely vast. However voluminous the Vedas are, one might wonder whether it would be right to claim that they embrace all activities of the universe. "Anantah vai Vedah", the Vedas themselves proclaim so (the Vedas are endless). We cannot claim that all the Vedas have been revealed to the seers. Only about a thousand sakhas or recensions belonging to the four Vedas have been revealed to them. Brahma created this world with the sound of the Vedas and this sound is not destroyed even during a great deluge. We build a village or town with stone, earth, timber, iron, etc. All these materials are derived from the will of the Paramatman, from his thought, from the vibrations that are his will or thought. Brahma saw the sounds corresponding to these vibrations as the Vedas and the chanted them and brought all the world into existence.
  5. thanks for you reply. i just want to know for curiosity sake. i had been to sai baba during my young days and i did not find anything attractive to continue. but since i saw a write up in your forum "Mystical experiences", where mr atmananda had written an article on saibaba, i wanted to know. i have no intentions of becomming like them. thanks
  6. why do god men like satyasai baba and mata amritananda mayi attract such large crowd. why don't the people who go to them worship the gods like rama and krishna. do these people have mystic powers which makes the crowd to go to them if so from where did they get them.
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