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Posts posted by Max_

  1. I haven't actually chanted 16 rounds in one day yet. But I'm working my way up to that. It's not that I couldn't if I really but my mind to it, but I want it to feel natural and not forced.


    And if you want to be so paranoid as to think that everything you want to do for Krishna is selfish, because in the end you'll be reaping in the benefits you shouldn't think like that. You should just focus and tell yourself that what you are doing is for Krishna and as a by-product of that Krishna will bless you for being in KC.


    Forgive me for I am but a ignorant follower of the Lord trying to better myself.


    Hare Krishna

  2. "i have no authority, but to suddenly tell them about KC when u move out is a but unfair on them isn't it? At least introduce it to them - even if it is gonna mean some tension between you and your parents..."


    I would tell them, but I know what would happen, my mom would declare "cult" and my dad would probably disown me, or deem me crazy or some junk. Today I was talking to him about something rather trivial and non-important and he deem me a shallow heartless person, it was a Kodak moment...

  3. I've heard of people who don't eat enough or don't get enough rest just hallucinating at odd points in daily lives. I'm not learned enough to tread on the path that what happened to you was a form of enlightenment or not, so I wont comment on that side of the possibilities.


    Hare Krishna

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