Pause to consider that the accusation could be true, the following story seems quite balanced, time will tell of course:
For when to view the eclipse and where:
Warning: While you're staring at the sky, you might hear footsteps among the trees, the twang of a bow, a desperate scurry to shelter. That's just your imagination.
I misunderstood, can you give me an example of the kind of art you're talking about? If it's done by White devotees then that explains that.
Regarding the term 'Aryan' Hitler misappropriated it, sadly. It's derived from the Sanskrit Arya.
When you see your brother, sister, mother, father, child, friend.
See him in the beauty of nature, in the colors of autumn, the rustles of the leaves, in the bubbling brooks.
See him where ever you notice Truth, Beauty and Goodness.
Probably has to do with the Aryan Invasion over the millenia around then, the White race was invading India during that time.
Over a couple thousand years everyone got mixed up, so Indians ended up looking like we do now.
Krnsa himself was always depicted more 'blue' than any other color.
AncientMariner I want to send something to you privately but you haven't given that ability to posters.
Please contact me via [manu (at) lightson (dot) net]
Krsna loves you *now* as you are. Start from this foundation. He cares not what you did in your life, he even cares not if you repeat some of these 'unholy' acts after today, as long as you continue to get to know him, love him, serve him in everyone you meet.
Keep moving in his direction, keep growing in his friendship, he loves you as you are, just start thinking of him, that's it.