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  1. Jerry - It is not difficult to find a Guru at this age. Go to ISKCON and ask to talk to the Acharya there. They are very friendly people who want to help. They will provide literature that will help you. Good luck!
  2. There is no doubt about it, Rama's name should be pronounced, if one wants to be correct, as Raama. But then, however the Lord's name is pronounced, it sounds sweet.
  3. I attended the Rathayatra today in Novi, Michigan. It was spectacular. The organization was excellent, people of ISKCON were so friendly. I am beginning to love this organization. Although I am not a Vaishnav by birth, I am a great devotee of Krishna. For this reason and also because I am finding ISKCON to be a friendly organization, I want to join them. What is the opinion of other people on ISKCON? Does everyone share these views? -- Ravi
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