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  1. Hare Krishna. I have been out from bhakti yoga since May 12, 2005. Now I am looking forward to go back to live inside of a Hare Krishna temple as soon as I can, so I'll start by chanting some japa rounds again, however, getting the association with Krishna devotees seems to be very important in order to keep up the yoga. Hare Krishna.
  2. Hare Krishna. Well, I finally called her in order to invite her out to go with me for some singing in a karaoke, however Gisselle didn't accept my invitation in two different times. Therefore I understand that she is not at all interested in sharing some time with me. After feeling for awhile in disillusion I remember that Krishna is the Supreme Controller of everything and therefore it was His will that this emotional affair didn't find a way. That's ok for me. I realize that I will have to look for another woman giving time to time. Well, next subject. Hare Krishna.
  3. La dirección es http://www.iskcon.com.mx/ Espero sea de utilidad. Hare Krishna. BruzWayne.
  4. Hare Krishna KarenSpain, Existe una página en español acerca de Conciencia de Krishna, me parece que se encuentra en la web de iskcon. Buena suerte. Hare Krishna.
  5. Hare Krishna jagatpurush2, Your comment is right, 99% of people take marriage as an option, including Swami Prabhupada who was married for some years, and Lord Caitanya who married twice, and Arjuna who was married with Draupadi, and of course Lord Sri Krishna who married Rukmini. On the other hand a very few persons do not get married like JesusChrist or some saints or some yogis as well. Since Krishna is the Supreme Controller, it is His will that determines which persons will belong to the 1% of lifetime loners. Therefore your advise is clever, searching out a life long partner in order to share KC together is a good idea. Well, I've had a few girlfriends in the past and so far it has been Krishna's will that marriage hasn't happened yet with any of them. Something is telling me that Gisselle won't be the exception, unless, of course, somehow, Krishna determines that getting married with Gisselle is allowed for me if such is Krishna's will. Therefore let there be Krishna's will be done regarding this affair. He is the Master and His commands must be obeyed and accepted, independently of our own desires. Hare Krishna.
  6. The messages entitled "Wise reply" and "It would be great" and "In the meanwhile" were posted by myself even though I had not login yet and that's why the user appears as a Guest. Hare Krishna. BruzWayne.
  7. Hare Krishna devotees. I've been outside of yoga for many days, however a few days ago I did a kirtana and read Bhagavad-gita and did at least one japa round and also had vegetarian food (prashadam) again. The situation is that somehow since many months ago I feel that I am in love with a very beautiful woman called Gisselle. She is so lovely, her eyes are very nice and her lips are irresistible and the way she walks makes me feel in love with her. I'd like to invite her out and tell her that I like her and I love her and that I would like her to become my girlfriend and then get married with her, you know, in order to start a family and travel and shar a lifetime together and of course kiss her everyday and make love with her and give her flowers as well. Nevertheless, Chapter 2 Verses 62-63 of Bhagavad-gita state that while watching or beholding the objects of the senses the living entity gets attached to them and fron such attachment lust arises, and then anger comes, and then bewilderment of memory and then loss of intelligence and then illusion and then one falls down again into the materia cycles of birth and death. In other words, I know that if I surrender unto the beauty of Gisselle eventually I'm going to become angry for different reasons, basically lust and the sense of possesiveness, and then I'll forget about yoga completely and things will go out of control. So I better forget about this silly emotion and go back to my chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Therefore I'm not going to call Gisselle on the phone and I will never tell her that I love her. So when I see her again I'll just have to swallow this emotion and pretend that I don't love her and try to keep chanting maha mantras. The only thing that hurts is the possibility that some fool will kiss her and marry her while I had to renunciate to love her because of Krishna Consciousness. Well, I hope I can handle properly this pain of loving Gisselle every day. Hare Krishna.
  8. A couple of days ago two drunk men were causing lots of noise outside the room that I rent so I wasn't able to sleep, so I called the cops by a public phone in the street and then told the drunk men to get away for some help was coming. One of them was about to attack me exactly at the same time when the cops were arriving. If I would have had to fight back I was chanting the maha mantra in my mind already. The crime here is high, I'm sure one day I won't have other option but fight to kill or die, whatever Krishna decides, I'm ready for any option. No more comments nor replies about it, I must do what I must do, always chanting in my mind Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. I may return to this web page if a special request to Krishna that I made becomes real, in the meantime, farewell to the KC devotees in here. Truly, BruzWayne.
  9. I have accomplished one complete year in a row doing this bhakti yoga in KC, on my own and all by myself in a city where nobody else knows nothing about Krishna or Prabhupada, from April 1st 2004 until March 31 2005 (yesterday). Through all this year I have accomplished the 4 regulative principles every day and I was doing frequent kirtanas and reading Bh.g. and S.Bh. and chanting some japa rounds aloud and performing ekadasis and special fasts on special dates and taking cold showers with a swimming suit and putting on tilaka (using water instead while chanting the correspondent prayer). My only weakness during this year was singing and listening to karmi music like rock, pop, ballads and so on either at home or in a public karaoke. If I wouldn't have at least one weakness then I wouldn't be human, I suppose. After one year in a row in KC this is my personal conclusion: Good results in the area of health, bad results in the area of money. I started this KC penniless and I'm almost penniless again, therefore I must quit these sacrifices until I have reached a special balance in my personal economy. However I will try to keep up only the 4 regulative principles in case that I must fight against any enemy and so I'll chant the maha mantra for fighting, just like Arjuna did in Kurukshetra. I will do Kirtanas and all other stuff again only if somehow Krishna fulfills one special request that I have expressed unto Him, and if this ever happens then I'll return to these web page, in the meantime I'm out of here because I'm almost penniless again and I must dedicate more time to improve my job in sales to have success in order to survive. See you then or maybe see you never again, only time and Krishna will tell. Truly, BruzWayne.
  10. On March'05 I did 8 programs and 1 special fast and 2 Ekadasis.
  11. Hare Krishna, I appreciate the good comments from every body. Today I was talking with somebody about the bad reasons for war and those are Power and Fanatism, and we could add Revenge. My job is about selling tours for entertainment like scuba diving and snorkeling and sightseeing and hiking and horseback ridding and so on, however, one year ago I was challenged to fight hand to hand by some co-worker. Then I decided that if I was going to have to fight hand to hand one day in a street fight it would be proper to purify myself through bhakti yoga thus offering unto Krishna any fight in the future. I don't look for fights but due to this heavy path of bhakti yoha in KC I believe that if I get challenged and I am forced to use violence in order to defend myself then at least I'm following the 4 regulative principles and bhakti yoga programs in order to fight back as a service for Vishnu. That's all. Self-defense. But I must be careful and remember the principles of karate, which is meant for defense only and never for attacking first. Now, if during some fight my enemy results worse than damaged, well... Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. That's why I keep up this yoga stuff, because even though is something boring, well at least is the best way I know in order to turn anger into a service for God. But the sacrifices are too heavy: stop eating meat and shrimps and fish and chicken and stop drinking beer and avoid having sex with women unless I get married... Everything just in order to be purified and ready for a fight and at the same time keep my consciousness clean despite of the results. Hare Krishna.
  12. Hare Krishna. My last activity, Mar. 25, Gaura-Purnima (complete fast from food and water until moonrise) OK. 1 japa round. *** So far, I've ben doing all these bhakti yoga programs and keeping up the 4 regulative principles since April 1st, 2004. In a few days I will accomplish 1 complete year into this yoga stuff. On one hand my health is ok but on the other hand this yoga stuff is too boring and tasteless. The only reason I keep doing this yoga is because of inertia, I mean I started this already so what's the point in quiting now? My only activity apart from yoga is attending the karaoke every now and then in order to sing some karmi songs of rock and ballads and pop and this I do without drinking alcohol nor smoking tobacco, just singing some songs. And today I discover that my luck in my job is real bad, no sales and I'm almost pennyless again. So I'm beginning to think that there is the chance that Krishna and bhakti yoga is very good for health but at the same time is the best way to end up living in misery all the way while so called demons that eat meat and drink beer have lots of money to spend. Therefore, if I quit this yoga stuff it would be out of logic due to lack of motivation. I mean that's why almost nobody cares about practicing this yoga nowadays. In the end it may be just another false belief, or maybe I'm just tired of believing in a blue fairy tale that only brings economic misery, at least providing enough good health in order to laugh about it, lol. As soon as I find a better belief in another book different from Bhagavad-gita I'll replace this yoga stuff and do something different that can give me a higher income. Now, let me hear you say that I'm falling down in maya again and the evil force of GREED is bringing me down due to some LUSTY desires for some fun and beautiful women, and then ANGER is starting to show in my words, lol. See? In the end the teachings from Prabhupada come back to tell me that I just need to remain humble all the way no matter how bad the circumstances. Besides I have no other choice for the last time that I quit this yoga things got worst than ever. This yoga is like being dead already and yet there's no way out. Hare Krishna.
  13. Hare Krishna devotees. Arjuna was a KC warrior and he had a license to kill enemies with a demon mind like the sons of Dritarashtra. At the end of Bhagavad-gita Arjuna's mind was not moved by false ego and his intelligence wasn't entangled anymore, therefore even though he killed men in this world he didn't killed them at the same time (Bh.g. CH.18. Text 17.) and thus Arjuna's actions weren't binded by the law of karma. As far as I know, warriors in KC like Arjuna are the only ones that can kill enemies with demon minds. On the other hand, Christians and Muslims and Jewish are not allowed to kill due to their common commandment "Thou shall not kill." Hitler and the Nazis used the swastica symbol but as far as I know they weren't KC warriors, just pretenders. Therefore, every soldier in this world of any army either USA or Irak or UK or Spain or Israel or France or China or any nation, and as well any policeman of any nation as well as any person, don't have God's authorization to kill and if they do so they will have to undergo karma reactions. So I think that people like Bush and Blair and Sharon and Hussein and Bin Laden and any president giving orders to their soldiers to kill will be taken by the yamadutas into hell after they die. Now here comes a question, what if somebody following bhakti yoga in KC suddenly kills a karmi enemy in a fight? And another question, what if somebody following bhakti yoga in KC suddenly decides to start a KC army with soldiers that follow the vedic injuctions for warriors? But let's suppose that this person is not a pretender like Hitler but someone with spiritual knowledge like Maharaja Parikshit, that is a student of KC with the warrior mentality? Should we join such an army and defend the KC principles in case that World War III begins? Hare Krishna.
  14. Hare Krishna Jambu. You posted this topic wondering about the directions in order to enjoy sex in marriage. You know what really knocks me out about it? The recommendation that it takes 50 rounds of maha-mantra that each person in the KC married couple must chant before having the sexual relationship. I mean, how many japa rounds have you ever done by yourself in a row during the same day? My best record is having chanted 32 rounds in one day during Janmastami back in the year 2000. So the idea of chanting 50 rounds in a row in order to have sex it knocks me out, it's too much chanting... but let's say, ok, ok, I'll go for it. Next thing is, and where is the KC wife? I took a look at some KC women living or attending a KC center and guess what, it takes lakshmi in order to invite them out. So then you find yourself in the situation that first you need some lakshmi in order to be prepared to get a wife, you know, to have a nice home where to live and a car and a business and some money in the bank for vacation and expenses of all kind... but then you say, ok, ok, let's make enough lakshmi in order to propose marriage to one of these KC women and guess what... you work and work and work and, huh, no lakshmi, so one day you may wonder if all this nonsense of KC is true or is it just a bad joke from the Devil... And when you think of all the times that you have sinned in the past in this life and what to say about other lives, regarding having sex with women without following the KC regulations, then we can realize that first we're going to have to pay a lot of bad circumstances due to our own karma before Krishna gives us a KC wife. So, in my opinion, we may not have a KC wife in this life at all before paying all the karma that we owe from past relationships. Maybe we'll get lucky in our next life, lol. And while we are doing all these KC sacrifices and austerities, somehow, we are watching at the same time karmi people kissing each other in the streets and we know that lots of couples are having sex every where and every day without any regulations, thus our minds receiving strokes from Vishnu's mace day after day... "Others are having pleasure from sex while you don't due to your silly devotion". Ain't this life beautiful? While we are talking about this, lots of couples are enjoying sex without regulations, right now, every where. Of course, they will have to face some consequences like getting AIDS or suddenly getting an unwanted pregnancy or whatever. lol. While for us, there can be a nice KC wife and a sort of happy situation in the future, maybe in another life, after paying our own karma. It's up to us, to keep up the yoga or quit -out of lack of patience.- Karma... doesn't get paid fast and easy, lol. It takes time to pay it. At least we are not creating more karma for ourselves when we are doing KC bhakti yoga. Hare Krishna.
  15. Hare Krishna, gitamrta.org, in reply to your comment, Hare Krishna. It's very difficult to give up sex, it's human nature. --I agree, that's why it is smart aiming at regulating sex rather that giving it up. It gets regulated by having it following the vedic principles about it. But you have to realize that sexual lust will eventually cause misery even in this life for many and the cause of us coming back life after life. --Yes, sexual lust creates karma. But on the other hand regulated sex in Krishna Consciousness is allowed and it doesn't create karma. It's desires that causes us to come back to satisfy those desires. --We should have only one desire, "remain under the service of Lord Sri Krishna always every day". However, our minds will suddenly create other desires, therefore we must learn to create desires that are good for Krishna Consciousness. For example, we need sex, then we must desire that Krishna gives us a nice KC woman for a wife in order to have regulated sex with she. Otherwise, if after the need of sex appears in our minds and then we desire to have a woman for getting sex pleasure with she without getting married, then that is a dangerous desire that will create karma. So go on having sex, but it's not free. You will have to pay for it with your soul being covered in different material bodies for countless lifetimes. You will not go back to krishnaloka after this life but back here on this horrible planet called Earth. Or maybe another horrible planet. From the highest planet in the material to the lowest all are places opf misery, wherein repeated birth takes place. --This is true and that's why all of us are here, because we haven't learned yet to fix our minds only in the lotus feet of Krishna. So hopefully we can learn to have regulated sex first and then aspire to fix our minds on Krishna's lotus feet only, if at all possible someday. Hare Krishna.
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