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  1. sspremj

    Kutti Chetan

    Dear Srinath Ram There is a sadhana related to Kutti Chetan. Email me at ssprem_j@ if you are interested. Prem
  2. Dear Kamalakant Singh Has your enemy problem solved. If not pls reply to ssprem_j@. I can help you in this regards. Prem
  3. Hi Pls let me know how to get started with apsara sadhana. Thanks Prem
  4. Hi From where can i get Rudrayamal Tantra book Thanks Prem
  5. Dear Sir, I would like to get the Palani Bakthi Vedanta Ashram Address. Thanks and Regards Prem
  6. Dear Sir, I would like to know the contact address and phone number of Hare Krishna Kovil, Palani given in the "about the ashram" webpage. Thanks and regards, Prem
  7. Pls let me know the meditation technique and the mantra upasana for mind reading. Thanks Prem
  8. I would like to know how to read the mind. Please give the necessary instructions for it. Thanks and regards. Prem
  9. Dear Sir, I would like to have the detailed information on meditation and mantra upasana enabling one to read the mind. Thanks Prem
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