sabrina King
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I, unfortunately, could not sleep if I wanted to at this moment...I am staying up to hear from my husband via messenger hopefully shortly as he gets off work.... thank you for your concern... Truly..I am just someone trying to understnad..to be objective..and not merely vengeful.... All around me..I hear such horrible and enraged sentiment...me I just want to understand why... I am empathetic enough to realize that suxh hatred has a root..it does not sprout up out of nowhere... I just wished to understand is all.... sabrina King
No my husband is not in the Air Force or Navy..he is int he Army..he is this year at Camp Casey in Korea..but he will be home next month and we will be at Ft Polk in LA... sabrina King
I'd just like to point out...its not politically corect I know...but i know I am nto the only US citizen to looka t anyone with remotely brown skin...and thick brown hair..be they Indian, Pakistania..or iranian and see "Middle Eastern" It is ignorant of you to assuem that the vast majority can discern the difference..we can not..I can not...everyone I haev asked today can not...I haev no idea what is and isn't considered the middle east..and since I was mroe referring to the religions..which have sanctiosn in Africa..the west..all over the world..and indeed the Middle east..how are we to discern whom is from where? if it is a religious war..it really doesn't matter where the broders are does it? i was led to udnerstand that a jiihad calle dupon all the people of the faith..nto just those in Afghanistan..am I incorrect? And if i am then sayso..don't attack me...I mean this all innocently...I think your responses are answering me..ten fold...You obviously feel so threatened in your faith..even the simplest of questions brings volatile response.... Again..I apologize for not being the human-spell-o..or an atlas.... sabrina King sabrina King
A few weeks ago I posted a question begging to understand the fights within the middleeast over religion.....and tonight I sit here..my husband thousands of miles away...I try to comprehend the concept of a jiihad...the pure agony that much inspire in anyone such a hatred as to lead them to cause such tragedy.... I am at a loss, I never claimed to understnad one thing about this world..and now I fear I know even less.... God bless and keep you all..as undoubtedly public sentiment toward anyone appearing even remotely middle eastern is liable to turn sour here in the US. I pray you are wrong..I pray this is not WW3...for my self, for my dear sweet husband..for my children...for the world... God let you be wrong in this one thing. sabrina King
Pardon me for interrupting such a delgihtful tit for tat..but once again methinks someone here is missing the whole point. Satyaraja-the most simplest of truth in both faiths is that all paths lead to one Divinity...that all deities/indeed allt higns are merely manifestations of one Divine. Sweet..either you are just argumentative..(and I will agree with someone earlier..your rhetoric is full of holes..) or you just totally missed the entire point of both faiths...why do you feel the need to assert a dissention...to cause opposing forces...to try and call out "my faith is more pure than yours? or older?" All paths are the same...they all lead to One. We are Each as are All things Divinity Manifest-Ghandi. sabrina
Pardon me for interrupting such a delgihtful tit for tat..but once again methinks someone here is missing the whole point. Satyaraja-the most simplest of truth in both faiths is that all paths lead to one Divinity...that all deities/indeed allt higns are merely manifestations of one Divine. Sweet..either you are just argumentative..(and I will agree with someone earlier..your rhetoric is full of holes..) or you just totally missed the entire point of both faiths...why do you feel the need to assert a dissention...to cause opposing forces...to try and call out "my faith is more pure than yours? or older?" All paths are the same...they all lead to One. We are Each as are All things Divinity Manifest-Ghandi. sabrina
Isn't Zoraster the diety the wrote around in Ghostbusters? I am the gatekeeper? Are you the key master? sabrina King
1) Why is it that those who would aspound to live by the rule of all faiths being equal and going toward the same God...be so incredibly threatened by anyone saying anything contrary to them? I find people who have opinions against my own challenging only in so much as they realign my own beleifs..but I am never threatenend by their presence. I see alot of bickering in these posts...and less dialogue...as if some have a need to be the "right" one...You are all "right" children..you just see the world through different glasses. 2) Whatever happened to the idea of action being superior to intellect? The Gita reitterates this point endlessly..to act without want for effect..but the action being superior to the philosophising..so why is it the entire discussion on this forum which is supposably about spiritual discussion is about qutoing texts..and not practical worhsip? I'd liek to learn more of how you all lvie in the real world..nto what you think about what you read...a book is a book. You are alive...don't any of you ever leave the library? 3) Misoginy (spelling) Why is it that one of the central tenants of the Sutras and Vedas is so often quickly explained away by men proclaiming to be Hindu? Do you all need to get laid so badly that you will forsake the more elementary and beautiful lessons of your faith to do so? I am drawn to Hinduism because it has a strict gender code. And I am a woman. I don't understnad the dismissal of the words of the Sutras just to be "politically correct." At any rate, I think I shall get back to living in my house, serving my husband...this would seme to me the best way to serve any form of God, as I am. thank you fo ryour hospitality sabrina King
Animesh- Thank You fr your reply...glad that I had the endurance to read through all the bickering to get to it And I beleive you ahev answered one of my questions regarding Hinduism..the semantics one. My second question was overlooked however by everyone..or perhaps disregarded as a hot potatoe But I do not mean it as such at all. My question is I have been told that it is construction of the Hindu faith that women should focus their worship directly toward their homes and their husbands...live through "action". And that women should not read the vedas etc..or attempt to live through "study". I would like to know your opinion as to whether this is a construct of the faith itself..or a social constraint in India..alone? Why I ask is imperative..I am not, as was questioned, doing it to "stir the pot". I ask it as an earnest question...for if I wish to follow this path it would seem to me I should do so with respect and within the confines of my own gender. For those of you gun shy because you fear I am some feminazi in disguise and waiting for you to say something and attack you...I haven't the time or the inclination. I am a housewife..I adore my husband..that indeed is why Iwas drawn to the Gita after reading the Kama Sutras rule for the only wife...being a submissive wife in the western world is a work in progress....I don't have a great deal of mentors around me..so I came here. At any rate..why sabrina King, Animesh? And not princess or queen? Easily. I have no gift for creating brilliant screen names. That is my married name. Sabrina King. King being my husbands sir name, and a house I serve proudly. sabrina King
I wasn't meaning to stir anything....it was an earnest question... sabrina
Ok so now you bring up a seperate question I had. I have read and been told in speaking with my husbands middle eatern friends that women are not supposed to read the vedas....so is that a concept that western followers of hinduism prescribe too? Or is that a function of the social structure of the middle east adn not the religion iteself? sabrina
Ok..so some of you are saying hindu is the faith and some are saying it is the ethnicity...so which is correct linguistically does anyone know? sabrina
Alright here is my confusion as I see it...I think it is a lesson in semantics perhaps...so one can follow what would be deemed the "hindu faith" by westeeners..but one is not hindu..unless one is Indian..is this correct? That being hindu as the group of people as an ethnicity not as a religion..is that correct? So then what does one call someone then who prescribes to Indian doctrine..but is not Indian? sabrina
Thank you both for your responses...the first being insightful in a Descartes sort of way And the second being more concrete. For shagrins.... I'm married..I beleive I said that I am a wife and mother in service to a man I adore, what better occupation is there? Why are any of us here? And gracious me I have no idea how old all those people are....lets say they are probably all between the ages of 1-90? Age is irrelevant to knowledge anyhow, is it not? And as my husband is int he military I am transient. For myself, home is within...and within is all that is without..so I'd say that is a big house..would you not? sabrina
Can one convert to hinduism? Or is hinduism more akin to say judaism where the point of the faith is that the jews are the "chosen" people of God..thereby one can convert..but one can never truly be jewish..without the genetic code. In my own spiritual journey and marriage I have found nothing so compelling as the precepts of the Bhagavad Gita..yet I am confused as to whether a westerner, such as myself can ever truly be Hindu. I do understand the conept of the worship of the Lord in all his forms..being the same Lord...but does this apply cross culturally? Thank you for your response. And forgive my ignorance.