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  1. if you still have gonorrhea in your system you need to drink A LOT of apple cider vinegar, possibly an entire bottle. I know of someone who had 'active' gonorrhea, drank bottles of apple cider vinegar and was cured in days w/out seeing a doctor for treatment. Also can eat many heads of garlic. on a side note: I would hope you would be practicing safe sex after aquiring this std. even after treatment one is always at risk for stds, damaging and infecting the body over and over again when practicing unprotected sex. Good luck.
  2. Hello, I'm hoping someone could take a look at my navamsha chart to offer a summary analysis of a possible future spouse? I have been reading on some sites to try to interpret myself, but I am struggling. The only info I could gather myself is that Saturn is in the 7th, so does that mean the spouse would be a lot older than I? I still can't figure out what "the lord" of the 7th is. I am just very curious about what it says, what the characteristics of the spouse would be, physical appearance, pos/neg of relationship and especially what timeframe this person would enter my life? I am now 34 and never thought I would have a spouse in this lifetime. I have rarely dated throughout my life thus far and still don't have much drive to even do so. Maybe the navamsha chart show there is no spouse? I have also never wanted to have children either and wondering if my feelings about this correspond to the charts? Thank-you for any information that can be offered ~scorpiomoonrising~
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