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  1. Hey, i am a begginer. I took an interest to my astrological chart due to my uncle having seen it and exclaimed many different things. I have seen both my rashi and navamsa chart, and although people tell me the navamsa chart holds stronger importance in marriage, i have read through many sources a planets strength in a rashi chart can be further reinforced with a strong navamsa. Exactly what is a navamsa, what is the distinct relationship between the navamsa and the raashi and why are they related. I have searched several pages and i still feel like there is a gap of unknown knowledge. I would be very appreciative of anyone who would enlighten me.
  2. Hey how do i join the group? (This isn't my chosen question lol) I was born on February 11, 1991. 1:59 AM, Eastern Canada, Coordinates are 43.7566 N and 79.2477 W. My question if you ever get to it is, I think i know what i should be doing in life, but i never end up doing it, when will my life go in the direction of my ideals and will i possibly attain moksha, education is important, and currently i do not care about marriage.
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