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Posts posted by Divine-Beaver

  1. Just writting to express my gratitude to you bhaktajan for sharing such wonderful information !

    I am new to this site and find myself absolutely delightful in reading your posts and others as well :)


    If i am not mistaken, you wrote an article about pasteur and bernard germ theories article, which was incredible and only confirmed everything about health for me !

    Thank you =)

  2. This is my first post too ! and I've switched to all raw diet Almost exactly one year ago on August 7th... ! And been loving it ever since... originally switched for experimental reasons for 6 months, but overwhelmed by how it makes me feel energetic ,calm and sharp-aware, i decided to swtich for life ! After about 3 months, my taste buds improved maybe by half, that i begun really falling into ecstazy over the taste of simple organic apples or bananas.... nuts with honey... and everything else... i even gradually realized that raw brocolli doesnt taste that bad also haha :)

    Namaste to all =)

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