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  1. I would like to refer you, guys, to the post of Shiva das in the section Vedic Verses. He gives a translation of Bilvamangala Thakura's Sri Krsna Karnamrta: Verse 3. We worship that dark bluish young boy, the cause of existence for amorous love, who causes Laksmi to become languid with the beauty of His dancing sidelong glances, and who in turn becomes languid with love when the milkmaids cast their sidelong glances at Him as He is affectionately worshiped on the bank of the Kalindi by their lust .We worship that young bluish boy, the source of the god of love, who has attained unchallenged dominion over love's sweetness
  2. Abortion is simply not an option. It is a sinful act. Just like killing the cows because people think proteins and B12 vitamins are necessary for them to keep their bodies in proper health. It doesn’t matter what is the reason for killing, it doesn’t change the sinfulness of the act itself. Sure teenage mothers will have to suffer while they are taking care of the babies, but they will suffer even greater in the future for the act of killing if they go through with the abortion. Material energy is very rigid and doesn’t consider why we did it, but gives us punishment for every sinful act we perform. People should be educated about the proper behavior. This is what the most of the world religions teach.
  3. You are absolutely right. Isn't it great that the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna is the topic of our conversations and even disagreements. We could be talking about G. W. Bush and his policies in Iraq, but instead we are discussing the features of the Lord Sri Krishna! How wonderful.
  4. Is this as Pankaja Dasa said another click/paste answer?
  5. I think our biggest problem that we are trying to comprehend Krishna through our material senses. In reality, He can’t be compared to anyone in this material world, so we can’t say He looks like an African, Indian or European because it doesn’t make any sense. Just like no woman on this planet can be compared to the beauty of the apsaras (heavenly damsels) or no man can be compared to the beauty of the demigods. Especially people of the Kali-yuga, do not possess beautiful features when compared to the people of other Yugas as described in Mahabharata and Srimad Bhagavatam. What to say about the Supreme Lord, who is the source of all beauty.
  6. This last post was from me. I didn't Login, so it didn't show my User Name.
  7. This last post was from me. I didn't Login, so it didn't show my User Name.
  8. If Krishna is not the God, than the whole Bhagavad-Gita doesn’t have any value. Why would the greatest personalities, learned scholars, and holy saints worship Bhagavad-Gita if it only contains the words of the ordinary person? Srila Prabhupada often explained that Krishna covers His intimate associates with His spiritual energy Yogamaya to make them to forget His real identity (Yogamaya is totaly different from the material energy Mahamaya, who keeps us, conditioned souls, under the spell of illusion). Otherwise, if they think of Him as the God they will treat Him with too much reverence. In this way Krishna and His associates will not be able to share the intimate pastimes. If devotee wants to have relationships with God as his/her helpless child, Krishna reciprocates to such a sentiment and give this devotee an opportunity to do so. Just like Nanda Maharaja and mother Yashoda are given the opportunity to take care of Krishna, feed Krishna, and put Him to sleep every night. They will not be able to do so if they thought Him to be the God, they would be in too much awe.
  9. Krishna does mean black in Sanskrit, which is one of the meanings of this word. He also called Shymasundara, meaning His body of the beautiful shyam color. This not our ordinary material black color but the transcendental black. During the rasa-dance Krishna’s body described to have a color of the emerald because the golden hue of the gopies bodies make a reflection on his bluish skin.
  10. You know what they say, if you don't want to loose an attachment to your worldly possesions,friends and relatives, do not go to the bank of the Jamuna and do not look at the smiling face of the Shymasundara, who is playing on His flute. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
  11. I don't think you should keep Krishna's Deity in your house unless you intend to worship him. You can have His statue. There is a big difference, to have a Krishna's Deity in the house is the same as you invite the Lord to be your guest. This way you will have to take care of Him just as you would take care of your guest, and even better because He is the Lord.
  12. Actually, Krishna's skin color doesn't exactly described as black anywhere in the scriptures. Most often they say blackish, and farther explain that the color of Krishna's body is SHYAM, and this sort of color doesn't exist in the material world. I remember even reading somewhere that His body composed of all the existing colors combined together because all the colors are emanate from Him. Some scriptures give examples of this color as somewhat similar to the dark bluish rain cloud or a darkest sapphire. However, it's impossible to create a Deity of the similar color because it's doesn't exist, so most Krishna's Deities created from black marble, and then the Lord out of His causeless mercy enters the Deity form so we can worship Him in our material conditions. We should also remember that even Bible says that the God is darkness.
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