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Dear friends, In the path of revelation and reactivation of our eternal inner divine qualities, we re-allow again ourselves to start to sense the truth clearly with our heart. Sensing the truth means to be totally focuses with our heart to feel everything, e.g. the love everyone is giving to us, the envy others give to us, the eternal cosmic unchangable truths, to differentiate the indiviudual's energies. To be capable to clearly sense the truths ourselves, without having to always rely on others (e.g. gurus, friends etc.) conclusions, often requires in us courage to also feel painful things like our or others emotional wounds, sorrows, problems, blockages. This process of also have to feel unpleasant things is mostly the key element why people on earth do currently often have difficulties to perceive other existing realms and their inhabitants like the angels, the ancesstors, the Gods, God Himself, as they are of course scared and still in shcok to again have to sense the sufferings by that expecting to have the wound healed with the help of a trusting person. However it is not necessary in ourdays that all souls on earth have to individually heal their deep wouds, this is mostly done by the grace of the loving souls on earth that with their work in healing Mother Earth's wounds automatically also heal the hearts of all inhabitants of our planet. When we attach ourselves again back to our root consciosness state of sensing the realms of our origins, than we can be again real happy. The thematic of Kalki avatar is directly touching this key conclusion. Giving statements about that guy or that guru is Kalki avatar is fully understandable as those people claiming those points do trust in their statement often based on wonderful experiences had with those persons they affirm to be the Kalki avatar. When we allow ourselves to sense the different energies of the many individuals, Krishna, Rama, Buddha, Ganesh, Shiva, Jesus, Amma, Sai Baba etc. have, than the uncoverings of current state of mind/heart is happening, this gives to everyone the ability to clearly differentiate any statements given. When comparing the different energies of the mentioned individuals we easily can differentiate differences in the form of the energy. All those individuals have another energy, however the one of Krishna, Rama, Buddha and Jesus is quite similar as it forms the base quantum of source energy of all existence. Ganesha's and Shiva's energy is almost equal to Krishna's energy but their energy is subordinated to a higher source energy. The energy of Amma, Sai Baba is linked to Krishna's source energy but differs in the consistency of its quantum form. Also Sai Baba's and Amma's liberated consciousness, i.e. their eternal form/svarupa is not equal in consistence as Krishna's or Rama's form/svarupa. Eternally a difference exists between Krishna's and Sai Baba's or Amma's energy/form/svarupa, as all those three individuals are eternally different souls. When we start to face reality we automatically also stop to give statements about many things. This method opens in us the gate of strenght and capacity to sense again the truth in us by ourselves. Than, we do not feel ourselves attacked or offended at all by others judgements or claims. Last but not least, we must never forget the key importance of the fact that for the source of everyone and everything who/which exists, i.e. Krishna, Rama, He considers Himself always one in love with all His eternal children, independently in which current consciousness state their eternal children do currently reside into, conditioned state or liberated state. In love, Jeshua
Dear souls, I am asking anybody here whether someone is capable to provide me the original sanscrit verses of Mahabharata Vana Parva 148 where the description about Bhima asking Hanuman to show him his previous Satya yuga form. The English Mahabharata translations on that passage on http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03148.htm and http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03149.htm do not contain any sanscrit verses. In gratitude for any assistance, Jeshua
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Hi, I am looking for any other English translations of the Caitanya Caritamrita scripture than the one of Srila Prabhupada. I am actually looking for any available puports by other Vaishnava acharyas of the Madhya-lila 22.107 verse. Srila Prabhupada respective verse translation did not include any purports. Here the verse and the translation by Srila Prabhupada: CC Madhya-lila 22.107 nitya-siddha kṛṣṇa-prema 'sādhya' kabhu naya śravaṇādi-śuddha-citte karaye udaya SYNONYMS nitya-siddha — eternally established; kṛṣṇa-prema — love of Kṛṣṇa; sādhya — to be gained; kabhu — at any time; naya — not; śravaṇa-ādi — by hearing, etc.; śuddha — purified; citte — in the heart; karaye udaya — awakens. TRANSLATION "Pure love for Kṛṣṇa is eternally established in the hearts of the living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing and chanting, this love naturally awakens. This verse was spoken by Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself and is the key verse of Krishna Consciousness. Caitanya here clearly confirms that all jivas are prema-bhaktas, therfore nitya-siddhas, independently of their form, animals, plants, stones, humanoids from other stars and on earth etc. This verse therefore confirms that everyone of us know Radharani and Krishan since ever, meaning that we have seen Radha and Krishna face to face in Vaikuntha/Goloka prior to consciously promise them that we come to this material world to different realms/galaxies/stars to stretch our arms, all of us through our individual sacrifice to also suffer, with the purpose to help the rebells (fallen jivas from Vaikuntha) to again turn their heart back to love. The rebells (fallen jivas/angels from Vaikunthas) is a race of saurier-birds (not dragons) who deliberatly quit the love realm of Vaikuntha-dham to enjoy separation from love (how this is possible, only the rebells can answer this, Krishna and Radhe neither know). Many aspects of the known Earthly Vedic siddhantic conclusions that there is more than one material universe, that souls eternally exist that are non nitya-siddha jivas, that the material universe is eternally created and destroyed, that multiple Brahmas exist, that positions of demi-gods can be exchanged,that diksha-guru is mandatory etc. are wrong. Those concepts were deliberately propagated by the Vaishnava line with the purpose to dissolve negative energies caused by the rebells. The time quality given us ourdays has its power to finally bring light to basic topics of mis-understanding. In love, Frodo
Dear friends, I would like to know the sanscrit definition, if available, of the places on planet earth, acting as gateways/doors to other lokas/realms/stars. When I was in India four years ago, Atma-tattva dasa, disciple of Srila Prabhupada, told us that the Earthly Vedic literature, especially the all Puranas are full of references of places/locations, at least within Bharat-varsa/India, where sadhus lived and with their physical bodies could enter those 'gates/doors' which route to different realms. I don't mean here references of sadhus/yogis/Vaishnava able with their 3rd eye, or astral trips, visiting other realms, but with the physical body. Atma-tattva dasa, showed us, as far as I can remember at least two places in South India, where such gates exist, one routes to Naga-loka, the wonderful realm/galaxy of the snakes and one was in the jungle near to a waterfall, where apparently Kasyapa-Muni lived and is still living on a higher dimensional platform. That lake was apparently used in previous yugas to enter in other realms, I don't know which one. British scientists have tried to measure the depth of the lake to proof the non-existence of such a gateway. They had to stop their testings as no ground has been found, after 1000 meters of going down with their instruments. I know that thousand of such stargate-like places exist on our earth, many in India, many outside of India on all continents. Who can tell me the name of those stargate places. Maybe kshetra-lokas or something similar? Is anyone aware if someone has written books about those kind of things, from Vaishnava/Vedic authors or else? I sense that in the near future many of those gaets will again be usable for humans. Some of them may have been temporarily de-activated by the devas, safety/precaution reasons as Kali Yuga and the asuras, but should be very soon re-activated. As far as I know during the move from this physical platform to the other one, the physical body, flesh and bone, will automatically change to the frequency of the realm we are willing to visit. and is vibed accordingly, when returning back to our realm, the door is re-changing our body to the original frequency. Those kind of things are not fantasy, this is real. Thanks for any information. Ciao, Frodo
Hi, Can someone help me to find the respective Vedic sastric references about the quote found on different websites (see URLS below) about Orion stars being a gateway/doorway for the souls to take birth on planet earth. Thanks for providing me any reference from the sastras and additional information. 'Orion houses two constellations in Vedic astrology and is revered in all the Vedic texts as the gateway from where the souls descend to begin their earthly life. It is thus called the "Giver of Life.' Those three URLS below have that section listed, I just cut it out from there: http://www.crystallotus.com/TheTransition/016.htm http://www.osfa.org.uk/art-19.htm http://www.askthebrain.com/house_life-.html Thanks for the help, Frodo
Dear friends, The answer on what Krishna says about how to thread the earth is facilitated by mentioning that Mother Earth, Bhumi-devi or Gaia-devi, is one of the eternal wives of Lord Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, known from the Caitanya lila, as Vishnupriya-devi. All living beings should be threatened as everyone wants to be threatened by others, in love, in frienship, in sincerity, in honesty, in servitude, in gratitude. In love, Frodo
Dear friends, It is not always easy to understand different things as they really are when no clearness is manifested in the consciousness due to deep sufferings in our hearts that do not allow us to sense the truth as it is. Different spiritual practices can help to be liberated from different static energies in our hearts although the teachers/leaders of those meditations and schools are envious souls, as the case of Maharishi Yogi. Not all disciples of envious pseudo gurus in non Vaishnava schools and many in Vaishnava schools too are envious souls, but some of them are good honest souls who need proper help and assistance to clearly understand their real needs in life. Many so-called Vaishnava people totally lack in really sensing the needs of every individual soul and through their non-Vaishnava-behaviour fail to properly help in love, without prejudices, to be a real friend of everyone. Lord Jesus Christ is one of the friends of everyone, open hearted with everyone and always helping everyone with real ability to individually understand everyonel, not leaving anyone alone if they do not follow this or that. Jesus Christ is not clearly described who his person really is, as this was kept in secret, not mentioned in detail in the Earthly Vedic literature, although he is indeed referenced there but with other aspects of him. Vedic knowledge is eternal and dynamic and is accessible to anyone who is capable with their heart to dock-in to the eternal ray of wisdom, given by Krishna and Radharani. Jesus Christ is the same soul as Sukadeva Gosvami, the narrator of Srimad Bhagavatam, the parrot of Radharani, who is also an incarnation of Shiva. Jesus' mission 2000 years ago has a high impact for all living beings existing. His personal death on the cross enabled the possibility for many many suffering living beings in any existing forfms and located in any dimensional realms, who suffer, to get relief from their suffering. When powerful cosmic devatas join his/her brother and sisters on our planet to help them to get relief than their personal suffering activates a deep healing for everyone suffering in any realms, as the deep bhakti of the powerful Vaishnavas, can ray-in the whole suffering hearts of all livine beings and activate a deep healing for everyone. So, this is the answer to why Jesus' death on the cross has to be understood from different angles, especially from an deep cosmic energetic healing benefit for all existing living beings. The heart of Jesus/Sukadeva/Shiva and of all devatas/angels/Vaishnavas in general seeing their loving brother and sisters suffering is hurting much. The heart of Krishna and Radharani, God-Father and God-Mother, is hurting profoundly too seeing their suffering beloved children still not healed and capable to sense their constant love and wisdom themselves. In love, Frodo The