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Beloved friends, With all due respect to Madhva,and his interpretation`s of the veda`s and Lord Chaitanya`s sophisticated teaching and Lord Vishnu himself,Adi Shankara also speaks the truth with his philosophy of Advaita Vedanta.I am not saying that one is better,but it is clear from Shankara`s beautifull philosophy which is based on his own enlightenment,and the many self-realised and enlightened teachers,not just pundits or philosophers but truly enlightened beings from the same Advaita stlye such as the great Nisargadatta Maharaj,Ramesh Balsekar and Ranjit Maharaj,as well as the great Sri Ramana Maharshi,who were all great teachers of the truth.
An interesting article,by Chris Calder,but he is far too sceptical of Osho in his later years,believing him to be somehow `corrupt`or that he had lost some of his integrity.But remember that many revered enlightened people have used drugs,after enlightenment,even Lord of Yogis Lord Shiva enjoyed to smoke a chillum and loved Hashish.Shirdi Sai Baba would smoke a chillum of opium and hash,and Nisargadatta Maharaj lived the the most normal of lives,selling and smoking beedies,and even apparently using a prostitute after his wife had died.But he was a master par excellence as is evidenced in his writings.Osho also has done a great service to humanity in his later years,by deliberatly wearing diamonds in his hat and wearing gold watches given to him by his diciples,he was powerfully delivering a his core philosophy,that spirituality is perfectly compatible with enlightenment and the spiritual path need not be devoid of material enjoyments.So he did this deliberatley to live out his philosophy of Zorba the Buddha.Also,the idea of Osho being addicted to Valium seems incredibly unlikely,considering he never suffered from any anxiety which valium is actually used for.In fact there are no such sources close to Osho which state that he was even using Valium,and I do myself beieve this to be a bit of a myth.
In this Kali Yuga,there is always argument and qaurell between different religions,and philosophies,who think that their way is the best or purest path to God,people even kill in the name of god and think that they are much more superior than any others spiritual paths.But in reality,the Oneness of the Self cannot be missed,and the Self is always there,behind the mind,as soon as the false ego dissapears,and the ego-mind is still,then the One appears,this is simply the scientific way,that all spiritual paths lead too.As consciousness reaches boiling point,the natural self realisation occurs,as the dream of ego dissapears.This cannot be avoided,even the devotees of Krishna who may not like the Advaita Vedanta philosphy,and prefer to stay with a dualistic approach,will still experience this One,when they are mature,they will see Krishna in everything and everyone,when there ego dissapears.I am not saying that Self realisation is the ultimate realisation,but this understanding will have to happen for the ego to dissapear,and Oneness to appear.This is only natural and is the common experience of all mystics,at some point.Deeper realisations may then occur,such as Paramatman realisation or Nirvana Kaya,but ego must dissapear as the first Self realisation occurs. Love,Bhagwan
In this Kali Yuga,there are many paths which appear completely contradictory,people who are arguing and fighting in the name of god and religion,and many people who think that there lineage or guru or path is the superior or the highest one.But really this is just characteristic of ignorance and Kali Yuga,I dont mean to suggest that it is not good to have a diversity of different philosophies ,methods or approaches,or that it is not good to have good philosopical discussion amongst ourselves.But scientifically,all apparently diiferent paths have to converge at some point in self-realisation or awakening out of the dream of ego and seperation from the universal self,it is just a question of conciousness,which always reveals the One when it reaches boiling point,and the ego-mind stops and reveals the One.I am not saying that self-realsation is the ultimate state,and Paramatman realisation is not a higher understanding or dissolution,but it doesnt matter which path the spiritual seeker is following,at some point,the awakening from ego-sleep to the ecstasy of reunion with the self,or the One,has to happen.And it is not something seperate,it is always there,the Self.It is only our ego dreams and mins games that keep it hidden.And devotees of Krishna,even if they dont like the advaita vedanta philosophy,will also see this One revealed as they become mature.Perhaps they will see Krishna in everything and everyone.Love,Bhagwan
Dear friend, I used to have a lot of pain and irritable bowel syndrome,which I have completely cured using just four hatha yoga postures every morning as well as changing my diet to a high fibre diet.But the yoga postures were definitely the main thing and brought results very rapidly after I started using them every day.The four postures that I used every day,just for a short time were,The Candle(Sarvangasanga),The Cobra(Bhujangasana),The Plough(Halasana),and The Wind-liberating posture(Muktasana),in this order.These four are all good for any intestinal and stomach problems,they certainly cured mine. Good luck to your son, Bhagwan
Please dont think that any path,Vaishnava or Shaivate,is higher or lower,inferior or superior.God is One,in many forms true,but always One.This has to be the basic understanding of Advaita Vedanta,which literally means,`Non-duality`or ` not two`,and is the basic understanding of all enlightened people,whether they are Vaishava,Shaivate,Buddist,Jain or Shakti or Muslim or Christian ,or even atheist,this Oneness is the natural enlightened or self-realised state.It is just scientific,that when the conciousness of the person reaches a certain hight,the ego dissapears and the One appears,just like boiling water turns into steam at 100 degrees.Then the path has to be just like the cup,a container.All unique,beautifull paths with there own traditions and truths,but the basic core experience has to be the same,Oneness! It is not something that can be bypassed.Whether the seeker is a meditator or a devotee of one of the divine forms of God,the self is always revealed as Oneness,without ego.Yes ,you can still be a devotee to Krishna or Shiva and have a personal relationship with that God,but you cant avoid that enlightenment or self-realisation.Shankara`s experience of the self is the same as Chaitanyas.Please dont think that Adi Shankara,was sent to earth to get people to believe in something because they didnt want to worship Vishnu! Advaita is just his actual experience,it has nothing to do wioth philosophy.There is only the One god posing in different forms anyway.This is the beauty of God`s wonderfull Leela.Isnt it funny that people might be arguing about it? Om and Love
Dear friends, Christopher Calder`s articule,which you seem to take as the truth,is just nonsense trust me.Osho gave hime the name `Swami Krishna Christ` which apparently he was very unhappy with,just as a joke.The article is full of untruths,and Calder`s own creations,such as Osho`s `addictions` of Valium,or Calder describing Osho`s symptoms of poisoning ,awhich killed him,as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,please be assured these symptoms of poisoning which killed him were not C.F.S,as I have suffered with the latter and I know the difference in his symptoms which were much ,much worse-and fatal.Also there is other nonsense in that article which is being taken as the truth by some,such as Osho becoming `corrupt`-nonsense! Trust me,Osho was a fully enlightened buddha who has contributed a lot to humanity and our future,although offending many,he has also helped to transform many,many peoples consciousness,and has left behind a rich amount of enlightened disciples ,some of which are also now teaching,around the world,and helping to spread his vision of love,light,and laughter around the earth.
Osho, the true story of a "spiritually incorrect" mystic. :P
Bhagwan replied to a topic in Shakti Sadhana
Omprem, I think you should check your facts before you start labelling Osho as a `drug addict`,addicted to valium and nitous oxide.You may have read this somewhere on the internet,but be carefull where you get your information.As I have said elsewhere on this site,it is extremely unlikely that Oaho was addicted to Valium,did not have chronic fatigue,as is also being stipulated,and was not addicted to Nitrous Oxide.It is easy to find conversations on this subject elsewhere on the internet with his dentist and his dental technicians who have nothing to hide about his use of Nitrous Oxide. You may not see him as a `perfect` spiritual model but he has certainly helped,and transformed a lot of people,and there are many sannyasins who are also now enlightened and teaching others.Remember,living masters are often controversial and vilified by the masses.And human. Love, Bhagwan. -
But Osho actually never had chronic fatigue syndrome,this idea someone has got from reading Chris Calder,who was a disgruntled ex-diciple of Osho,who had the idea that the illness which killed Osho(after 1986 to 1990)could have been C.F.S.Having had C.F.S myself,know that this is not the case,the symptoms that he had suffered with were much more severe.He did have chronic fatigue after 1986,but also had other symptoms like hair loss,churning in the stomach,syncopal attacks,and an ear infection which nearly killed him,and severe bone pain,all were diagnosed by medical experts as some kind of poisoning by radiation or heavy metal poisoning,which eventually killed him(C.F.S is not fatal). Also,this idea of him taking valium everyday is very unlikely and is another story which probably originated from Chris Calder?Valium is typically pescribed for anxiety,and Osho certainly never had any.Sometimes it is pescribed for alchohol withdrawal,(temporarily)which he certainly never had.He did suffer from diabetes,which Valium is never pescribed for,and allergies.He did have a chronic back condition,which valium could have helped to relax,but it is unlikely that any english doctor(which is what he had) would pescribe it for any lengthy amount of time.Again,I think this is just a case of stories circulating being taken for fact. Love, Bhagwan
Yeah,coming back to the subject of Osho`s earlier discourses,I also enjoyed reading Vigyana Bhairav Tantra,the book of the secrets where Osho goes into depth into all of Shiva`s sutras,and other talks on the Upanishads were also beautifull,especially The Ultimate Alchemy,on the Atma Pooja upanishad.Also In Search of the Miraculous,where Osho talks in depth about the seven bodies,and the differenty stages of enlightenment is also beautifull.I could never agree with absolutely everything he sais but his books are always interesting.
It is not true,that Osho had chronic fatigue syndrome as I already explained in the post about Osho and valium,and it is also true that he has helped to enlighten many people and brought many new effective meditation techniques into the world.Also,he was completely against abuse of siddhis and always would tell people to avoid such distractions on the spiritual path.Yes,he does have a unique philosohy which accepts the material world,and all the pleasures of it,but this is part of his vision and his great legacy,not some kind of corruption on his part! You have to look at his vision of the new world,Zorba the Buddha,to understand his philosophy. Love,Bhagwan
Actually,Osho never suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.This idea is completely untrue and was dreamt up by Chris Calder,a former disgruntled disciple of Osho.I have had chronic fatigue syndrome and Osho`s symptoms,(which Calder suggests are those of chronic fatigue syndrome)were actually much more severe,and that he suffered with after 1986,until his death in 1990,not 1979.The symptoms he suffered with did include chronic fatigue but also others which are not present in this condition such as hair loss,syncopal attacks(that means falling over),bone pain and a severe churning in the stomach.These symptoms,which by the way were diagnosed by some of the best doctors in th world,are all symptoms of some kind of poisoning,which actually eventually killed Osho(or his body).Also this story of heavy valium use also comes from Calder and has not been verified by anyone else.It seems to me,very unlikely that he would be taking valium every day,and if he was,it could have only been for his back pain,as he certainly did not have any anxiety which is what valium is usually pescribed for.Also,some of his best discourses can also be found in the eighties!(But then I guess it depends what you are into.) Love,Bhagwan