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  1. Jai Swminarayan, Jai Shree Krishna Yes, I have taken this message in the wrong way, it is the only way it can be taken. You are using such harsh worlds such as spiritual sucide, indirectly to the Swaminarayan sampradhy. Whar right do you have (*Vijay) to express your opinion in such a such a nature. You mayby a follower of Lord krishna, even i have SOME reverence for him but this does not mean the every Hindu IN THE WORLD HAS TO WORSHIP kRISHNA- what are you talking about. And to your your indirect reference that Bhagvan Swminarayan having no spiritual authority- in the Bhagvat Gita, Lord Keishna states that he lives within Purna Purshottam- This is Lord Swaminarayan. Faith in one paticular God i no beter than the other-Always remember this and frome now- never post such negative comments
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