There used to be an ISKCON Directory. I don't know if there still is. But I've seen such a directory published, oh, about 10 years ago or so. And about two issues published.
This Directory was huge, about 120 pages or so. I now recall it was back sometime about in 1988, and I got a free and unsolicited listing in the directory for running a fulltime BBS called the Hare Krishna BBS.
The Vaisnava world is bigger than ISKCON nowadays, and should not be limited to those devotees who may be considered as GBC-approved or other such institutional concerns. As varnasrama-dharma is not restricted to ones membership in such-and-such religious institution, a directory containing the professions and businesses of Vaisnavas should not be limited to a person's allegiance to such-and-such institution. Rather, the criterion of inclusion and participation within such a directory should be the social responsibility the business or professional person fulfills within the society. Does he perform his service or product with responsibility and professionalism?
Such a directory of Vaisnavas and their professions and services is not the end-all. An organization should be formed by interested Vaisnavas to facilitate and educate Vaisnavas in becoming successful businessmen, as well as provide much needed opportunities for networking and education in the matter of doing business. Chanting "Hare Krishna" is no substitute for practical methods of conducting business as is done in the everyday world. No prospective client wants to do business with a Vaisnava businessman if he doesn't know the basic protocols of organizing his business. A Vaisnava Economic Development Association is certainly a fulltime job in itself created to provide the resouces to the business community.