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Everything posted by gyatri

  1. Dear Sasisekara, Thnx for the response..but i dint get the answer to my questions. Please kindly tell us, when will she get married & with whom? Atleast tell us the 1st alphabet of his name ,if not the full name. Talking about disappointments in relationships,its only that,she has been betrayed by some close friends and nothing related to marriage.
  2. Dear jyotish Sir, I am concerned about my sister's marriage. Her birth details is 29/03/1983,12.19pm Place:Guwahati state:assam india. when will she get marrid & with whom? can u atleast tell me the 1st letter of the person with whom she will get marrid if not the full name. Also she wants to know about her professional life.
  3. Dear Jyotish Sir, I am concerned about my sister's marriage. Her birth details is ,29/03/1983,12.19pm place:Guwahati State:assam India With whom will she get married and when? Can you atleast tell us the 1st letter of the name if not the fullname of that person with whom she will get married?
  4. Dear jyotish Sir, I am concerned about my sister's marriage. Her birth details is 29/03/1983,12.19pm Place:Guwahati state:assam india. when will she get marrid & with whom? can u atleast tell me the 1st letter of the person with whom she will get marrid if not the full name.
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