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Jagat Purusa dasa BCS
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the temples will always be intact. it is still possible to be bankrupt, i think, and still maintain some key properties, like temples that are open for the public.
thank you for your nice question. I have been wondering about Hindu's beliefs. People can be reborn as an animal, depening how they lived, and this is why they don't kill animals. according to our beliefs: >If you killed an animal, like stepping on a bug, what goes it mean? Will you be punish? in general, any time that violence is committed, the person who does it (consciously or unconsciously) will suffer a reaction. there are many mitigating factors to this. for example, it is not anywhere near as severe to kill a plant or insect as it is to kill an animal--which is more evolved in consciousness. therefore we kill plants for food, but not animals. >What if you're not a Hindu and you step something and a Hindu sees it, what would they react? we believe that the laws of action and reaction are inherent in the universe and affect all Hindus and non-Hindus alike. as for how a dharmika (Hindu) person would act in a given situation, you would have to be specific. thanks
Hare Krishna you can find out about what Vrindavan (Goloka or Gokula) is like by reading Krsna book. if you have read that, then you may also want to check out Ananda-Vrndavana Campu. Here are my answers based on my study of Gaudiya philosophy (not realization, obviously): -Are we alone with Krishna, or are there other jivas there with us? many other jivas -is there night/day? yes -what do we look like? depends on your svarupa. you could be a gopi, a peacock, cowhered, tree, etc. -what languages do we speak? Vrajabhasa, along with Sanskrit. perhaps others... -are we in constant association with Krishna, or only at certain times? constant association through rememberance, but not always in direct union. part of the ecstacy is meeting and separation. -do we realize what we have done in the material world in previous lives? presumably yes, since we have all knowledge (cit-sakti). but would we care/want to think about it? -what do the sorroundings look like? you can find descriptions of this in the books that i mentioned. thanks. hope this helps. also, i hope you don't find me too presumptuous to answer these questions...
questionare to ask on saturday july, 16
jagatpurush replied to apuzilla's topic in The Hare Krishna Forum
i don't believe you. please stop deceiving people with unsubstantiated statements like: Svamnarayana did not tell to worhsip Krsna. it is right there in the Vacanamrut, easily provable. so why are you trying to confuse us? bc your family in london goes to svaminarayan mandir? therefore you know everything? you can't just make it up, you know. we are trying to have serious discussions here. thanks /images/graemlins/smile.gif Jesus also has millions of followers. however, they do not worship him as God, but rather as the Son of God. -
no doubt. when i was doing sanskrit at U of Texas, the professor started off her 'Hinduism' class (which i was forced to take, of course, and was a constant tirade of misinformation), with the aryan invasion theory. AND THEN IMMEDIATELY SAID as if to brush over it, 'let's not have any questions over this.' did Prabhupada ever say, in a lecture, 'let's not have any questions over this? let's just brush over it?' the point is, the theory is antiquated, and this woman is making a nice salary out of teaching theories that are not even accepted within academia.
courtesy of Vasudeva Datta Prabhu (TSKP Slovenia) HH Bhakti Vikas Swami: That's a fact a devotee he rises early in the morning feeling bliss. How wonderful, another day in the service of Krishna. So much work in the service of Krishna, so many things to do. There are so many people all over the world who have to know about Krishna. They must come to KC. They don't know about it yet. There are so many devotees of Krishna in this country who don't know it. They are just going to work or going to school and and they don't know that they are devotees of Krishna. They are just waiting for someone to come, "Hey, here is a book about Krishna" And they read and come to the temple, what is this They start to associate, chant There are so many people... Just like you previously - you didn't know about Krishna. You thought that life means to go to school, and eat some bread, pass stool, watch some TV. This is life. You didn't know about Krishna. Now you know about Krishna and your life is changed. So many people in your country and all over the world - they don't know about Krishna yet. Or they may heart something. They haven't come to the point of understanding that there is no meaning of life except to serve Krishna. So devotees have an exciting mission. That we can go out and find all those devotees who don't realize yet that they are devotees. Great mission. Just like some kind of hunting - transcendental hunting. Where are the devotees? Karmis they like to go hunting. They do this in your country? They go out with guns and shoot rabbits and deer. But devotees they go out looking, "Where are those spirit souls who are eager to understand Krishna, where are they?" They are so many. You can't tell. You can never tell. Walking around, they may be old or young. They may be pleasant behaved or they may be very nasty. Sometimes very nasty people also change and they become devotees. Who are these people, they are all spirit souls. Actually everyone, they are all servants of Krishna. Some people, mostly we all forgot. So it is a great mission for the International Society For Krishna Consciousness to find all the people, "Where are they?" And that is the greatest pleasure. The greatest pleasure is to find out someone who - they forgot Krishna and now O, they are gradually taking it up. Krishna Himself He likes to do this. He finds such pleasure in waking others up to KC. He Himself comes as Lord Caitanya and preaches KC by spreading the holy names. Requesting people to preach, discussing philosophy with them, appointing his disciples six Goswamis, renovate, find out Vrindavan and write books. Six Goswamis carring the message of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, sending their disciples to preach, take the books, preach and this is going on till the present time, the same movement of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is Krishna Himself came to chant Hare Krishna. This is the victory sound. Wherever there is the chanting of the holy name that is a sign of victory. Wherever devotees are enthusiastically chanting, then definitely maya's influence will be caste away and the transcendental potency of the holy name will awaken the sleeping souls. So devotees have to go out among the people who are sleeping in the lap of the witch called maya chant the name of Krishna that will enter the hearts of the sleeping souls and awaken them up and enliven them. This is the joyful life of KC. Arjuna forgot it. He became despondent. As long as devotee remains in the mood of conquering over maya. "Let is conquer over maya". Just like Arjuna had to conquer the forces of the Kauravas. Conquer over maya by preaching KC. And there will be some casualties, no doubt. In preaching, in fighting maya there may be some casualties. Even big generals may fall, but their service is not forgotten. And those who are alive and strong in KC should remain alive and strong in KC by always adhering to sadhana and chanting nicely, studying Prabhupada's books. Not entertaining, foolish, nonsense ideas. Knowing that real knowledge is that which comes in parampara. Prabhupada is great empowered associate of Caitanya Mahaprabhu who has given us this knowledge. What we have heard in disciplic succession, what Prabhupada has given us. That we should follow. We don't need any concocted,convoluted silly ideas. Just follow what the acaryas have given us, simple system. Chant Hare Krishna and be happy, spread that to others. In that way we will remain strong, blissful and happy and always strength of Krishna will be there to help us. So this is the point we can deduce from this First Chapter of Bhagavad Gita. Sometimes we think that there is not so much instruction in BG - first chapter. But actually it is very important instruction that as long as we remain with Krishna we remain strong. But if we don't, we become overcome by fear, ignorance, doubts, and illusion. This we can learn from this chapter. Hare Krishna. Are there any questions? Please. Question - Not clearly recorded Answer: Well I think the class I was saying that is understood from this, isn't it? If you have life you can preach - what does that mean? Life means if you have conviction in KC. Actually preaching it is not stereotyped thing. You can't preach in a formal way. Preaching means when one's heart is full of KC and it bubbles over. Someone who is actually hearing about Krishna and thinking about Krishna, then naturally he not only wants to share his KC with others but he must do. He cannot but preach. Someone who is in KC he cannot but chant Hare Krishna, he can't stop chanting Hare Krishna. One kind of chanting is doing formally. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna - I have to chant my rounds Hare Krishna Hare Krishna (heavy breathing) Krishna Krishna Hare Hare when it is gonna be finished. Another kind of chanting is that chanting is not coming from the tongue or lips but it is coming from the heart,automatically Hare Krishna. When one has got the life of KC, when one is feeling bliss of KC, then he must preach, you can't stop him preaching. So again that begins with sadhana, faith, conviction, all these things will give us the strength by which we must preach KC.
the more you practice, purify yourself, and avoid bad karma... things will become lighter and you can catch a little breath, on your way back to Godhead. of course there is much danger in getting stuck in the heavenly regions--either of the mind or of the universe. it's like being a dog on a leash. the person with heavy karma has a very short leash. the other guy, he may have more freedom, but ultimately he's still on a leash. he's not free...
psychedelics do not lead to "love" by any means. they, in fact, tend to increase the false ego. one time somebody on acid in SF started going off in Prabhupada's class and he said "I am God." and Prabhupada said "You are not God, you are dog. Now sit down." Hari bol! anyway, if you want to see drugs without love just think of Jim Morrison (at least, as he's portrayed in the movie, The Doors). yeah he does drugs, but he is just the most selfish, self-centered person imaginable. i believe that a human falls from grace when he/she ceases to show courtesy to other humans. thanks
if Krsna is giving you mercy, you will know. that's what this movement is based on. you'll feel happier and more pure in your thoughts, etc. as if everything is "right." sometimes you may feel that, if you do everything exactly as Krsna wants, then He can channel tremendous power through you. sometimes Krsna or the guru will give you a choice of things to do, based on your level of surrender. just like in Gita, Krsna says, if you can't do this, then do that; and if you can't do that even, then at least do this. as far as the picture falling on the floor, it should be seen as insignificant if Krsna is already giving you some bliss. you could see it as a small opportunity for seva (ie to pick up the picture).
from what i understand, Jesus was a reformer within Judaism. He was knowledgable about the Talmud and Torah, and quotes from Hebrew scripture in the Bible. Sri Krsna went to gurukula and studied under Sandipani Muni, and He also quotes the Brahma-sutra in Bhagavad-Gita. these personalities may not need to study or quote scripture, but they do so as an example for us--to show us that we should take the time to learn scripture, and not cast it out in favor of sentimentality.
courtesy of Vasudeva Datta Prabhu (TSKP Slovenia) HH Bhakti Vikas Swami: That's a fact a devotee he rises early in the morning feeling bliss. How wonderful, another day in the service of Krishna. So much work in the service of Krishna, so many things to do. There are so many people all over the world who have to know about Krishna. They must come to KC. They don't know about it yet. There are so many devotees of Krishna in this country who don't know it. They are just going to work or going to school and and they don't know that they are devotees of Krishna. They are just waiting for someone to come, "Hey, here is a book about Krishna" And they read and come to the temple, what is this They start to associate, chant There are so many people... Just like you previously - you didn't know about Krishna. You thought that life means to go to school, and eat some bread, pass stool, watch some TV. This is life. You didn't know about Krishna. Now you know about Krishna and your life is changed. So many people in your country and all over the world - they don't know about Krishna yet. Or they maybe heard something. They haven't come to the point of understanding that there is no meaning of life except to serve Krishna. So devotees have an exciting mission. That we can go out and find all those devotees who don't realize yet that they are devotees. Great mission. Just like some kind of hunting - transcendental hunting. Where are the devotees? Karmis they like to go hunting. They do this in your country? They go out with guns and shoot rabbits and deer. But devotees they go out looking, "Where are those spirit souls who are eager to understand Krishna, where are they?" They are so many. You can't tell. You can never tell. Walking around, they may be old or young. They may be pleasant behaved or they may be very nasty. Sometimes very nasty people also change and they become devotees. Who are these people, they are all spirit souls. Actually everyone, they are all servants of Krishna. Some people, mostly we all forgot. So it is a great mission for the International Society For Krishna Consciousness to find all the people, "Where are they?" And that is the greatest pleasure. The greatest pleasure is to find out someone who - they forgot Krishna and now O, they are gradually taking it up. Krishna Himself He likes to do this. He finds such pleasure in waking others up to KC. He Himself comes as Lord Caitanya and preaches KC by spreading the holy names. Requesting people to preach, discussing philosophy with them, appointing his disciples six Goswamis, renovate, find out Vrindavan and write books. Six Goswamis carring the message of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, sending their disciples to preach, take the books, preach and this is going on till the present time, the same movement of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is Krishna Himself came to chant Hare Krishna. This is the victory sound. Wherever there is the chanting of the holy name that is a sign of victory. Wherever devotees are enthusiastically chanting, then definitely maya's influence will be caste away and the transcendental potency of the holy name will awaken the sleeping souls. So devotees have to go out among the people who are sleeping in the lap of the witch called maya chant the name of Krishna that will enter the hearts of the sleeping souls and awaken them up and enliven them. This is the joyful life of KC. Arjuna forgot it. He became despondent. As long as devotee remains in the mood of conquering over maya. "Let is conquer over maya". Just like Arjuna had to conquer the forces of the Kauravas. Conquer over maya by preaching KC. And there will be some casualties, no doubt. In preaching, in fighting maya there may be some casualties. Even big generals may fall, but their service is not forgotten. And those who are alive and strong in KC should remain alive and strong in KC by always adhering to sadhana and chanting nicely, studying Prabhupada's books. Not entertaining, foolish, nonsense ideas. Knowing that real knowledge is that which comes in parampara. Prabhupada is great empowered associate of Caitanya Mahaprabhu who has given us this knowledge. What we have heard in disciplic succession, what Prabhupada has given us. That we should follow. We don't need any concocted,convoluted silly ideas. Just follow what the acaryas have given us, simple system. Chant Hare Krishna and be happy, spread that to others. In that way we will remain strong, blissful and happy and always strength of Krishna will be there to help us. So this is the point we can deduce from this First Chapter of Bhagavad Gita. Sometimes we think that there is not so much instruction in BG - first chapter. But actually it is very important instruction that as long as we remain with Krishna we remain strong. But if we don't, we become overcome by fear, ignorance, doubts, and illusion. This we can learn from this chapter. Hare Krishna. Are there any questions? Please. Question - Not clearly recorded Answer: Well I think the class I was saying that is understood from this, isn't it? If you have life you can preach - what does that mean? Life means if you have conviction in KC. Actually preaching it is not stereotyped thing. You can't preach in a formal way. Preaching means when one's heart is full of KC and it bubbles over. Someone who is actually hearing about Krishna and thinking about Krishna, then naturally he not only wants to share his KC with others but he must do. He cannot but preach. Someone who is in KC he cannot but chant Hare Krishna, he can't stop chanting Hare Krishna. One kind of chanting is doing formally. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna - I have to chant my rounds Hare Krishna Hare Krishna (heavy breathing) Krishna Krishna Hare Hare when it is gonna be finished. Another kind of chanting is that chanting is not coming from the tongue or lips but it is coming from the heart,automatically Hare Krishna. When one has got the life of KC, when one is feeling bliss of KC, then he must preach, you can't stop him preaching. So again that begins with sadhana, faith, conviction, all these things will give us the strength by which we must preach KC.
was that Prabhupada had said that Pluto is not a planet, and that this had been borne out by science. this devotee read an article which explained that scientists say that Pluto does not meet their current criteria for being a planet. the reason they did name it as a planet back then was, well, because they were excited to find the next planet. the concept that Pluto is not a "planet" seems to correspond with the Vedic concept of nava-graha (not dasa-graha). i could be wrong about some of this though. thanks, jpd
courtesy of Basu Ghosh Prabhu by T C A Srinivasa-Raghavan http://in.rediff.com/news/2005/jun/13tca.htm Why Mr Advani is spot on June 13, 2005 Here is a little-known fact that the secularists of the Congress, and its sympathisers in the extended Left Parivar, have been trying to obliterate for the last 60 years. In the 1937 election, when the time came for what would be called seat adjustments today, Jawaharlal Nehru, who was in charge of UP, had the option of tying up with the Muslim League or the Jamaat-e-Islami. Guess who he chose? Had he tied up with the League, the course of history may well have been different. Certainly, when it came to what is called communalism now, the League at the time was no patch on the Jamaat. It was only because Nehru was adamant about not having anything to do with Jinnah, rather than generally with any overtly Muslim organisation, did Jinnah pull out all the stops. The usual ifs and buts of history aside, did that decision make Nehru communal? Or did it not make his politics as communal as that of Jinnah? Why, the Congress still ties up for elections with Muslim political organisations and yet claims to be secular. Does that make, say, Mani Shankar Aiyar communal? Although it is important to draw this distinction in the case of Jinnah too, we Indians have never been taught to do so. His politics, that too only after 1937, may have been based on exploiting communal differences. But as a man he was as secular as Gandhiji and Nehru. This elementary point has never been understood in India because our politicians have not told us any differently. The result is that political postures and personal beliefs are treated identically. This is responsible for 99 per cent of the confusion about Jinnah. Nor has the Congress allowed the blame forPartition to be placed where it properly belongs: British policy. It has, instead, always tried to project itself as the saviour of Indian Muslims (or should I say Muslim Indians?) and kept the wedge driven in by the British in place. The result is that instead of the blame being directed outwards, it has been directed inwards. Is it not ironic that Indians and Pakistanis hate each other but love the British as though they were completely blameless? For this, all political parties are responsible. How many Indians have heard of Harcourt Butler? How many have heard of Principal W A J Archbold of the Anglo-Oriental College of Aligarh? How many know about the role played by these two in the formation of the Muslim League in 1906? Here are also some facts that the Sangh Parivar has not heard of, such as the role played by Jinnah in the Lucknow Pact (1916). It brought the Hindus and Muslims together in a joint scheme for postwar reforms by conceding Muslims the right to separate electorates. No less a person than Sarojini Naidu then called him 'the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity.' How many Indians know Jinnah started out as a Congressman, as private secretary to Dadabhai Naoroji? How many Indians know that he worked and worked and worked to bring about formulae that would lead to Hindu-Muslim unity? Let me give you a list. There were his 'Proposals' of 1927. In 1928 he begged and pleaded for basic Muslim demands to be included in the Nehru Report. In 1929 he formulated the 'Fourteen Points' as minimum Muslim demands for a constitutional settlement. He participated in the Round Table Conference that started in 1930 in London. Finally, fed up with the Congress, he quit politics altogether. This was not a 'communal' man. Nor has it taught Indians that Jinnah's political career had two phases here, one before 1931 and the other after 1935. Few Indians know that Jinnah retired from politics in 1931 and went off to England to practise law. Fewer still know why he came back at the end of 1934 after Liaquat Ali pleaded with him to return to lead the League in the elections that were to follow the passing of the Government of India Act in 1935. What brought him back was not the fear that the Congress would defeat everything in sight. It was the fear that the liberal Muslim political opinion in India would go unheard. The Muslim League at that time was actually the least 'communal' of the Muslim political outfits. It was not until 1940 that Jinnah asked for Pakistan. And that was a result of Congress policies over ministry formation in UP, where it refused to take League ministers unless the League was dissolved. It is worth noting in this context that the Congress tried to split the League when Nehru sought to entice some major UP Leaguers by offering them ministerships! But he had a pre-condition: they must quit the League and denounce it. None did. The import of all this was not lost on Jinnah. Even so, as Ayesha Jalal, the US-based Pakistani historian, has asked: when he demanded Pakistan, did he really want a theocratic State, or was he just using it as a bargaining chip to get the Muslims a better political deal? Nor is the class dimension of the Hindu-Muslim antagonisms taught properly. How many Indians know that Muslim separatism was fuelled largely by the big zamindars of Punjab, Bengal, and UP? How many know that they determined to get a separate country only when the Congress turned explicitly 'socialist' at the behest of Nehru after the Nowgong Congress of 1937, when land reform became an integral part of the programme? Had they known that land reform would stop in India in 1950, they may not have asked for a separate country. How many know that they used Jinnah as an interlocutor with the British? Does any of this make Jinnah communal? Let me end by giving another little-known fact, one that the Congress has been at pains to downplay. How many Indians know that when the time came to choose a prime minister in the interim government of 1946, out of the 20 DPCC members who voted, 19 voted for Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and that it was only after Gandhiji asked him to stand down in favour of Nehru that the latter became prime minister? But that is another story. The short point is that Jinnah was no more communal than Nehru or Gandhiji was. He became an instrument of forces that he thought he could control but could not eventually. But that is not so unusual, is it?
Vaisnava aparadha and philosophical deviations in the name of Vaisnavism are much more dangerous than mere bad karma. that is why hopefully, those who are prone to offend Vaisnavas are likely to be cast out of Vaisnava circles, in order that they may save themselves the trouble. thanks, Hare Krsna