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  1. Hi Dr Chandra, My wife is suffering from Sacroiliitis since last two years and Cervical spondylisis since last one year. I have tried both allopathic and homeopathic treatments. both of them giving minimal temporary solution. My Wife is experiencing almost all the symptoms mentioned for Nervroot syndrome. can you please suggest locations where i can get ayurvedic treatment for my wife getting a permanent solution to the disease? Please suggest Thanks Birju
  2. Hi Dr. Chandra, My wife is suffering from Sacroilitis and Cervical Spondylisis. It has been two years i have tried allopathy and homeopathy but both resulted in only temporary gains. Can you please suggest some good place where I can go for Ayurvedic treatment for her (as mentioned by you in the thread chain ahead)? Current pains:- 1) prolonged walking standing causes pain in sciatic nerve and sacroalitic joint resulting in pain in entire right leg 2) working on computer for an hour or two results in strong pain in neck and shoulder. As a result the vein starting from third finger on right hand starts paining till the neck joint. MRI revealed minor cervical spondilysis in c5 and c6 Please suggest Regards Birju
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