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  1. Some time ago, a commercial organisation in the wine and spirits business was producing advertisements depicting the goddess Durga carrying bottles of a brand of their liquor, Southern Comfort. That was very distasteful and offensive to the Hindu community. We eventually succeeded in making our case and the organisation finally withdrew the offending images. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> What is remarkable is that the drinks industry has still not learnt the lesson of respecting and honouring the Hindu Dharma. Recently, there has been a beer named Brahma that is being imported from Brazil and is now flooding the supermarket shelves. Brahma, is of course, the demigod of creation. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> On the website of Brahma beer, under “Fun Facts” in the “About Brahma” section, the company does acknowledge that “Brahma’s creator, Joseph Villager was a deeply spiritual man and possibly took the name from the Hindu demi-god.” However, the truth of the matter is that intoxication and spirituality are incompatible. This is because on the path of progressive self-realisation, one has to give up intoxicating substances that can cloud the mind from perceiving the divine nature of reality. In the current climate of consumerism, brands have a powerful impact upon the mind. As Hindus we should be concerned that over time, the sacred name of Brahma will in the average person’s mind become associated with alcohol, just like Hoover is now synonymous with vacuum cleaners. Such a desecration of the sacred name of Brahma has to be prevented at all costs. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> An image of Brahma on the bottle would undoubtedly be deemed to be offensive. Yet if one considers that a printed picture is a visual representation of a subject and that a printed name is an auditory representation of a subject through visual means (when read and spoken), then that is also to be considered just as offensive. Brahma is to be given all respect and glorified, for he is the demigod responsible for creation. Using the sacred name of Brahma to sell forbidden substances is not only inappropriate, it is also derogatory and insulting to the Hindu Dharma. Although this brand of beer has been around since 1888, a change of name should be seriously examined by the company as part of its marketing strategy. As tolerant and empathising Hindus, we do understand that a name change may not be practical. If the name of the beer cannot be changed, then the manufacturer should at least make serious efforts to ensure that the public understand that Brahma is actually the Hindu demigod of creation and that drinking alcohol is to be given up by those desiring to make spiritual progress. The label on the bottle should clearly state this and carry a warning that drinking alcohol is detrimental to spiritual health. One may argue that it can only be a good thing if consumers are prompted to remember Brahma and chant his sacred name when they see the beer bottle. Nonetheless, the public must understand that spiritual progress cannot be made by continuing to drink alcoholic beverages. One should aim to stop consuming alcohol and praise the real Brahma, without whom Joseph Villager and the rest of us, would not be here to enjoy and marvel at the beauty of his creation. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> I kindly appeal that we should earnestly voice our feelings and concerns on this issue. I am pretty sure that members of other religions would not remain silent if the names of their Gods/Goddesses/Gurus/Messengers/Prophets were used to promote products that are not conducive to the practise of their faith.
  2. The name Egypt is derived from Ajap referring to the Sanskrit name Ajapati or descendents of Aja. The son of Aja was Dasaratha and the son of Dasaratha was Lord Rama. The Egyptian pharaohs used names such as Ramses because Lord Rama was considered to be an ideal king and ruler of the land. The pharaohs were treated and worshipped as good as god because they conducted the god’s powers to the people. Lord Rama had twin sons named Lava and Kusha. The subjects of the Kingdom of Kusha were known as Kushites. They inhabited the region of north-eastern Africa in the Nile Valley. The region named after the twin brother Lava was Laviya which is next to Egypt. Today this area of land is pronouced as Libya. The Egyptian sun god was named Ra. This is actually a shortened form of the Sanskrit name for the sun, Ravi. The Egyptian creator god is Ptah. This comes from the word Pita in Sanskrit. Pita as a god is the father of all creation. The Egyptian goddess of cosmic order, truth and justice is Maat. This comes from the word Mata in Sanskrit. Mata as a goddess is mother nature. The Egyptians also accepted the cow as mother earth. This is also found in the Vedic culture. The lotus flower is the symbol of the sun/enlightenment in Egypt. This is also true in ancient and modern India. Nile come froms the Sanskrit, Neel, which means blue. People often speak of the Blue Nile. Of course they do not realise that they are saying the same thing twice. This shows that they have forgotten their roots with the original Sanskrit. The Sphinx has the body of a lion and the head of a man. In Hinduism, Lord Narasinghadeva is worshipped as an avatara of the Supreme Lord and has the head of a lion and the body of a man. Also, the word Sphinx can be traced back to the word Sing which in Sanskrit means Lion. Thus there appears to be a corruption of the Vedic truth. The advanced mathematics used in the construction of Egyptian monuments, temples and pyramids was known by the Vedic scholars of ancient India. Incidentally, the number system (1,2,3…and 0) was also given by the Indians to the rest of the world. (Initially, the knowledge of counting spread from India to the Middle East. This is why they later became known as Arabic Numerals) The crowns of the pharaohs used to be decorated with cobras, signifying the power of the pharaoh and providing protection from evil. This idea of the power of the serpent originates from the tantric teachings of Hinduism in which the serpent represents the power of the inner kundalini, which also provides protection to the practising yogi. The Egyptians followed the same style of worship to that found in Hindu temples. At the Temple of Karnak in Luxor, there is a sacred lake which was used by the priests to purify themselves before performing their ceremonies. These ceremonies included making offerings of fruits, flowers and milk to the deity inside the temple. In India there are many sacred lakes in which Brahmans take bath and purify themselves before engaging in the same type of deity worship. The Egyptians also believed in the afterlife, judgement based on good and bad deeds and the desire to become one with the cosmos. These concepts are fully explained in the Vedas. All these points show that the religion of Egypt came from ancient India. Even the well known Indologist Max Mueller has accepted that the Egyptian culture is totally based upon the Vedic teachings. (Refer to Proof of Vedic Culture’s Global Existence by Stephen Knapp for further explanation and evidence proving the existence of Vedic Egypt)
  3. As a Hindu, I was shocked to discover that parts of slaughtered cows are used in the process of making varakh. After reading this, my message to everyone is that any activity that implicates one in the killing of any living being, especially the sacred cow should be stopped immediately. Therefore, do not purchase or consume varakh that has been produced using cow’s intestines. Eventually, the manufacturers of varakh will be forced to produce varakh by more acceptable (vegan friendly) methods if they are to stay in business. Thanks for the message. I will email my friends with this shocking discovery!
  4. Why do we use a chamara which is made of YAK'S TAIL HAIR for fanning the Deity and a CONCH SHELL BONE in religious rituals? Do yak’s (related to the sacred cow) have to be killed? Do they suffer pain if their tail hair is cut? Is manufacturing such items for puja going against the principles of non-violence, peace and animal rights? In Bhagavad Gita 6.11-12, DEER SKIN is recommended for yoga practice. Does this sanction killing animals? (I know the answer is No, but rascals may interpret this otherwise) Regarding PEACOCK FEATHERS, I presume that these are shed naturally. Hmm?
  5. It is known that Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu appear only once in a day of Brahma. This means that they do not appear in every Dvapara & Kali Yuga in every Maha Yuga (a cycle of the four yugas). The yuga dharma for Kali Yuga is always nama-sankirtana. I have learnt that in the Kali Yugas when Caitanya Mahaprabhu (Gaura Krishna) does not appear, the yuga avatara is Gaura Narayana who engages in nama-sankirtan. When Caitanya Mahaprabhu appears we are even more fortunate because in addition to nama-sankirtan he also freely distributes Krsna prema. What colour is Gaura Narayan? Is He also golden just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu?
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