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  • Location
    Boulder, CO, USA
  • Interests
    drumming, reading, contemplating
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  1. Chris


    sorry for the double post
  2. Chris


    thanks for the time Jrdd, your posts certinaly did not fall upon deaf ears in my case, i am just takin a while to digest it all. peace Chris
  3. Chris


    talasiga - i am sorry if i have offended you and i appreciate your input. that is a valid point 20 million is a huge number. maitreya - thank you very much for your straight forward answer it is appreciated. chanting Chris
  4. Chris


    my answer may seem rash, i am agreeing with you, merely pondering why sri ramakrishna was so intent on worship of kali. i felt a strange affinity towards sri ramakrishna and i also noticed we share the same astrological sign, karmic destiny as our birthdays are only 4 days apart.
  5. Chris


    haha in other words there are no answers to come from this type of chanting. what of sri ramakrishna then
  6. Chris


    what exactly is meant by giong to a saint and getting the holy name from him?
  7. Chris


    thank your for all the revered info. Talasiga the time in which i chanted om kali ma was in the evening after sun set.
  8. Chris


    so basically whenever and as much as possible and the minimum should be 128 times?
  9. Chris


    how often a day should one chant hare krsna and when? is it merely when one wants a cheering up? is krsna the one god and the lesser gods are manifestations of his separate natures?
  10. Chris


    nice rhymes. sadly i am a bit lost.
  11. Chris


    i would be honored by your contributions talasiga, and anyone else who wnats to post of course. Thanks for the site Love i will check it out. peace Chris
  12. Chris


    are all hindus vegetarian? it does seem way healthier, you dont have this big bag of fat sloshing around in your gut making you sleepy. ps: talaisga- if that is what you were reffering to, kashmir isnt really considered the middle east i think its considered asia. not that it matters
  13. Chris


    thats really amazing that you were able to predict i ate meat, thats fascinating it has to do with what i am feeling.. and i believe the answer to that question would be pakistan, kashmir. i am actually going to a talk between a pakistani, indian, and kashmiri on the 13th at my university moderated by a journalist so it should be interesting.
  14. Chris


    no i have only read the book once, and i just tried chanting hare krisna and om kali ma, and hare krishna made me feel well being yes but om kali ma made me feel well being as well as an intense feeilng of ..i dont know how to say it. bliss or completeness. sorry if im being confusing or ignorant i am merely trying to figure out which path to follow.
  15. Chris


    so the fact that this happened means i am more suited towards a certain type of worship? this sounds very interesting and i would love to hear more. Chanting hare krishan certainly did not do as much as kali. any more help woulud be appreciated, you guys are great Chris
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