My name is . My DOB is 13th September 1974 and time is 9:40 AM, Place(Mahaboobnagar, india, Andhra Pradesh). My Husband's DOB is 6th July 1966, TIme 3:10 PM, place is Tirupati, India.
We have lot of problems in married life. I was never told that I had Kuja Dosha before marriage but now people say that I have it. I had a kid recectly and she died, my marriage is also in the worst position (going to be divorced). Can you please tell me if there is a divorce in my marriage and how many kids will I have, do I have a son in my life? I was told that I have shukra mahadasha and also 71/2 yrs of shaani. When did the shani started and when it will end? When will I have a peaceful marriage life. Since Mars is in the 12 th house will that be there for ever? I think each planet will move from one house to the other after staying in that house for some time right? Then when will the Kuja dosha go away (When will the mars move from 12th house to the next house).
Please give me a detailed asnwer for this, as I am confused with so many things going on in my life. I want my husband to come back, will he? or will it go for divorce?