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    Alachua, Fl
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  1. Hare Krishna JRdd. Nice to meet you again. I love this kind of interchange. The problem is that I have little time now but I will try to follow yours and others input. I remember we found out that we are both Taurus, right? So you must know how they have their very own ideas and prespectives and that they don't give up easaly of what they want... so, everyone has its owns prespectives, isn't that right? This variety is what makes creation such an amazing thing. I accept every critics. Some I believe are right, some I know very well they are "completely" wrong. But everyone has the right to say what they think and even to speak about it. Communication is such a wonderfull thing too. This to say I hear what people say (and what I told here was only 1/4) and can give them some credits but that doesn't mean I don't keep my prespective (in an artistic point of view = style). But I want to improve of course, who doesn't? (I just ask this because I know there are some who think they don't need to). Any way, I mostly believe that Krsna will guide me and also will provide what I'll need to make His best propaganda. You are being very sweet in giving me so much credits. Whenever I see "my" video I get amazed wondering how I did it. Was it me? I know I felt so much suffering between Sept and Dec 99 to achieve it but now I don't even believe I made it! Someone once told me that the pain you faster forget is that from giving birth. That's what I feel with this video and what makes me go runing to make more. Because I know that no matter what suffering I will go through to achieve it that suffering will become happiness because... it's for Krsna, right?! That's what this video makes me realize and that's why I put that famous Radha's statement in it: "Whatever distress You want to give to me, that distress will be my happiness". The narrator and the boy in the last part are a couple of very nice and professional non-devotees but starting to be attracted mainly to Srila Prabhupada. There is a very nice story about them: The boy is a Minister's son who directs and plays in some video Indian novels. He appeared in Vrindavan with the one who was helping me to put together the crew. I had asked Deena-bandhu P. to make the narrator but he was very busy with Kartik and he defenitively didn't want to make the Delhi tour. He just didn't like the idea of mixing Delhi with Vrindavan... So I had to look for someone else. I had 2 weeks to find one and that was my second time in India (that means I knew nothing or no one). So here he is seat in front of me at Sri Sri Krsna-Balaram Mandir Restaurant... Pankaj presents him to me with all those qualifications I told you before and I look at him and very boldly I ask him, "Why don't you HELP me?" (Why should he? With such a narrow schedule and so much Laksmy coming from everywhere...) He said immediatly "NO, forget about". Okay. One week later Pankaj calls me saying: "You know, Yogesh is going to make it. You know why? He told me that Krsna appeared in a dream telling him to help you! And as his wife is also a professional..." And like that I made what I really wanted; to have a woman speaking and then to change her for the guide. Afterall we are all women in the spiritual world, right. Only in this material world there is this men thing ;-). Dear Peter, something must be wrong with your computer. If you think it's a problem with the CD just write me and I'll send you another, okay?! I don't want you to feel unhappy. I just want to say something else about the asram: The idea is to have an asram for women. With widows Indians or not, orphan Indian girls (do you know that mainly the girls are killed at birth because of dowry?) and western devotees. Like this widows and western devotees could help each other and both could help to raise the girls. A Gurukula would be there because as SP said that in India girls should be taught at home... then no gurukula exists for them. Devotees' daughters are obliged to go to public schools. Any place in India. Any land with water at least. Any donations are apreciated allthough I'm striving for raising the funds with the videos. Haribolo!
  2. Haribol Gauracandra. Dandavats. Are you from Toronto? My homepage is: http://spiritualworld.netfirms.com
  3. Hare Krishna to all. Sorry if I took so long to get your association and to explain to Peter how to open Vrindavan VCD. You are getting a hard time with this VCD, hm? You could have contact me trought email, the adress is on the box, no? Here it is: Open My Computer, click on the CD drive, click on MPEGAV and then in MUSIC01.DAT. Then a caution window will open asking you with what you want to open the CD. You click in Open with... and then you chose from the list. I use "windows media player" (not Microsoft player - allthough this can be used to, the Window Media Player is better). From the menu there you can go to View and chose Full screen. You will be amazed with the image quality! I'm sorry if it is so complicated to open this video. This was the first time I ever put something on CD and I simply didn't know that it would end up to work like this. Also I must ask my apologizes for having put any text in the VCD box or in my site... I just forgot. Time is so short! I'm glad that you are liking the video. There is some technical problems as some point out: - The text is too fast... one of the positive side of video is that you can stop it whenever you want, so... don't fear to stop it whenever you cannot follow. - The Indian accent... I love it but there are some who don't. - Too much pans and too fast images that don't allow the public to enjoy the view... I think you've better go there and see by yourself. I wanted to (how you say it in English?...) make the water grow in your mouths (I'm sure there is another way to say this). - Some ask me who is my public. I must tell you that I though seriously about that. The idea - as the title indicates "Guide t the Spiritual World" - was to help those who are seeking for a spiritual path but then I get enthused and decided to go deeper. I remembered that Srila Prabhupada wouldn't feel afraid to talk about things that people wouldn't understand. The point is to hear (the image it's only to complement and to purify). By hearing one will feel attracted and will try to investigate, to learn more about it. Am I right? So, like this I could also satisfy those more advanced devotees, I believe. I want to go to Mayapur next Gaura-purnima. I was filming Mayapur in 2000 but the camera had problems so I couldn't make what I was thinking: to put out Vrindavan & Mayapur in the first move. I'm still collecting for a DV camera. If anyone knows one in good shape whose owner is thinking to sell it for a good price... I'm looking for a Sony DCR-VX1000E or 2000. Normaly, in second hand, they cost respectively between U$1000 & U$1500 and U$2000 & U$2500. Please feel free to ask me whatever you want. Looking foward to serve all Vaisnavas... Param PS - I told that I wouldn't mind to be called by Param because normaly people feel a little hard to pronounce my long name. But I love Paramaradhya and whoever wants to call me like that I will be very found of.
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