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    Washington DC

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  1. Dear Learned, Can you comment on the following Horoscope's current transits. W.r.t. Family matters. Current Dasa is Jupiter, with Chandra AD, Budha PD & Budha SD
  2. Dear Learned, Can you please post a link for Sandhya Vandanam procedure in Telugu? Also, How do I know which one to choose from Yajurvedam/Rigvedam etc? Thanks!
  3. I'm a student myself, so take what I say with a grain of salt. As per the Date of birth, you are going through a Rahu Dasa until 27th May 2012. yes, Rahu Dasa will be trying times, but I suggest you to hang in there, as you are almost at the end of it. Next dasa is Guru dasa from May/June 2012, that will give fruits of your efforts & new learning experiences. So, I urge you to continue your efforts and not give up now. You will have Sad-e-saati ( 7 1/2 year Sani) from October 27th 2017 ( after 7 years)
  4. Dear Sir, Can you please analyze the following chart: In matters relating to current Family/life: DOB: 07/25/1975 time:03:30 am, Place:Secunderabad, AP, India. Coordinates:17.43 North & 78.5 East ASC Midhuna/Mercury, Lord placed in Lagna. Kind Regards!
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