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  1. Dear Ashish Ji, I am a male and still unmarried.Currently going through Rahu-Ketu dasha with Shani Sade sati.My Birth details are as follows - 1) D.O.B - 20-06-1980 2) P.O.B - Agartala,Tripura,India. 3) T.O.B - 12:30 pm My lagna is Tula.Seventh house lord Mars is in 11th house alongwith Saturn and Jupiter in Leo.Probably Jupiter is having drishti on my seventh house.Although my Lagna Lord(Venus) is in own house in rasi chart but in 8th house(Dushsthana).Also Venus in Navamsha is debilitated in Navamsha in 7th house alongwith ketu in 7th house. What does all these signify(both the mars and venus stuffs!)? When am I going to get married(although 1 astrologer told me there are bright chances of marriage in Rahu-Venus period - is venus really good for me - from navamsha it seems its not good being debilitated alongwith ketu - even from rasi its seems the same,being in 8th house). How will be my married life and my wife? Lots of queries.So anyone please help me out. Thans in advance.
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