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  1. Management guidelines from the Bhagavad Gita. There is an important distinction between effectiveness and efficiency in managing. Effectiveness is doing the right things. Efficiency is doing things right. The general principles of effective management can be applied in every field, the differences being more in application than in principle. The Manager's functions can be summed up as: Forming a vision Planning the strategy to realise the vision. Cultivating the art of leadership. Establishing institutional excellence. Building an innovative organisation. Developing human resources. Building teams and teamwork. Delegation, motivation, and communication. Reviewing performance and taking corrective steps when called for. Bhagavad Gita teaches every concept mentioned above and prepares mind effictively along with deep Spiritual truths. Thus, management is a process of aligning people and getting them committed to work for a common goal to the maximum social benefit - in search of excellence. The critical question in all managers’ minds is how to be effective in their job. The answer to this fundamental question is found in the Bhagavad Gita, which repeatedly proclaims that “you must try to manage yourself.” The reason is that unless a manager reaches a level of excellence and effectiveness, he or she will be merely a face in the crowd. Thats why Bhagavad Gita has been recommended in many management schools in India as well as Outside. This is the only holy book which has the answer for every situation, provided you spend time and give utmost respect to it. Believe me , Bhagavad Gita will start talking with you one day. <font color="orange">When I read the Bhagavad Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous. - Albert Einstein I must confess to you that when doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. - Mahatama Gandhi </font color>
  2. But we can revert that immediately and watch history of edits and additions anytime. More Hindus contributing there means more immediate actions. This article is base of many other sites and most visited Hindu articles on Internet. I have also found wikipedia article one of the best and unbiased. There are separate sections for different Hindu denominations which are written as per there views.
  3. <font color="red">The following key dates are found to be consistent with the sky inscriptions observed by Veda Vyasa: 1. Krishna's departure on Revati Sept. 26, 3067 BCE 2. Krishna's arrival in Hastinapura on Bharani Sept. 28, 3067 BCE 3. Solar eclipse on Jyeshtha amavasya Oct. 14, 3067 BCE 4. Krittika full moon (lunar eclipse) September 29, 3067 BCE 5. War starts on November 22, 3067 BCE (Saturn in Rohini, Jupiter in Revati) 6. Winter solstice, January 13, 3066 BCE 7. Bhishma's expiry, January 17, 3066 BCE Magha shukla ashtami 8. A fierce comet at Pushya October 3067 BCE 9. Balarama sets off on pilgrimage on Sarasvati on Pushya day Nov. 1, 3067 BCE 10. Balarama returns from pilgrimage on Sravana day Dec. 12, 3067 BCE 11. On the day Ghatotkaca was killed moon rose at 2 a.m., Dec. 8, 3067 BCE http://www.hindunet.org/saraswati/colloquium/mahabharata01.htm http://www.hindunet.org/saraswati/colloquium/historicity01.htm </font color>
  4. <font color="red">Presence of Hindus in world's major internet disscussions is very limited. we need to get ready for this new way of communication which is being used by other major religions very effectively. i would like you to share major internet religous discussion sites with whom you are familier and request others to start participating in those sites effectively. Plz download this messenger and visit "Religious" or "India/pakistan language" section regularly. In religious section there is regular interactive "Bhagavad gita" classes which we can make more effectve by joining. http://www.paltalk.com/PalTalkSite/downloadcr.html you can open your interactive rooms also. another good site is http://www.christianforums.com/f76-non-christian-religion.html i hope to see you soon in paltalk messenger thanks </font color>
  5. <font color="red">Lord Krishna was born at midnight on Friday July 27, 3112 BCE. This date and time has been calculated by astronomers on the basis of the planetary positions on that day recorded by Sage Vyasa. Mahabharata War took place on November 22, 3067 BCE. Most Holy book of Hindus is "Bhagvad Gita". Gita was directly from God instead of messengers and it is the only holy book whose birthday is celebrated even today without any confusion. Dr. S. Radhakrishan wrote: "The Bhagavad Gita is "both metaphysics and ethics brahmavidya and yogasastra, the science of reality and the art of union with reality. The truths of spirit can be apprehended only by those who prepare themselves for their reception by rigorous disciplines".</font color>
  6. <font color="red"> Lord Krishna's Dwarka, on TV </font color> http://www.talkaboutreligion.com/gr...ages/35681.html India and Indians are going to be in Discovery's focus like never before. The channel, in its arguably biggest investment in India so far, will be shooting an episode on India and Lord Krishna's Dwarka, the submerged city in the western coast of India. The shoot will involve underwater filming which will take viewers to the remains of the once-great city. The cost will easily run into millions of dollars. Discovery had received great reviews and wow ratings when it had telecast the unearthing of Egypt's queen Cleopatra's palace off the coast of modern-day Alexandria. The episode on Dwarka is expected to do even better. Krishna's Dwarka will no doubt see the coming together of religion and history. The episode, according to Discovery's programming director, Pankaj Saxena, will be a part of the channel's special programming plan, dubbed as Atlas, a multi-million dollar project. "The episode on India will be a part of the 26 episodes that Atlas is going to chronicle across 26 countries," Saxena said. Indian viewers need to be patient for the Dwarka episode since the telecast will take place only in 2005.
  7. <font color="red"> LORD KRISHNA AS JESUS </font color> I believe everything is KRISHNA....EVEN KRIST (JESUS CHRIST) KRIS..HNA = KRIS..T RELIGION OF KRISHNA = KRISTANITY= CHRISTANITY (CH=K) FOLLOWERS OF KRISHNA = KRISTIASNS = CHRISTIANS (CH=K) LORD KRISHNA is the base of everything...love KRISHNA = love christ 6000 years ago ,LORD KRISHNA had told in HOLY GEETA...In whatever form u will worship me , I will come to u in that form. those who worsip him as KRISHNA , he comes to them as KRISHNA. those who worship him as formless, he comes to them as formless power. those who worship him as image of jesus , he comes to them in that image of jesus. <font color="red"> Is "jesus" another name of "lord krishna" </font color> it looks those who are worshipping jesus are actually worshipping hindu god:lord krishna". 1)jesus and Krishna were called both a God and the Son of God. 2)Both was sent from heaven to earth in the form of a man. 3)Both were called Savior, and the second person of the Trinity. 4)for both adoptive human father was a carpenter. 5)A spirit or ghost was their actual father. 6)Krishna and Jesus were of royal descent. 7)Both were visited at birth by wise men and shepherds, guided by a star. 8)Angels in both cases issued a warning that the local dictator planned to kill the baby and had issued a decree for his assassination. The parents fled. Mary and Joseph stayed in Muturea; Krishna's parents stayed in Mathura. 9) Both claimed: "I am the Resurrection." 10)Both referred to themselves having existed before their birth on earth. 11)Both were god-men: being considered both human and divine. 12)They were both considered omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. 13)Both performed many miracles, including the healing of disease. One of the first miracles that both performed was to make a leper whole. Each cured "all manner of diseases." 14)Both cast out indwelling demons, and raised the dead. 15)Both selected disciples to spread his teachings. 16)Both were meek, and merciful. Both were criticized for associating with sinners. 17)Both encountered a Gentile woman at a well. 18)Both celebrated a last supper. Both forgave his enemies. 19)Both descended into Hell, and were resurrected. Many people witnessed their ascensions into heaven. 20)Jesus' and Krishna's mothers had similar names: Miriam (Mary) and Maia 21)Jesus' and Krishna's mothers were holy virgins. All these points of there life history force us to believe that jesus is actually another name given to hindu god krishna....and our JESUS is actually hindu LORD KRISHNA. and maybe bible was actually copied from hindu holly books with some changes because of large time gap between krishna (3000 B.C.) and date when bible was written. <font color="red"> LORD RAMA AS ALLAH </font color> when Hindus pay homage to there ancestors it is called SHRAD when Muslims pay homage to there ancestors it is called SHAB-e-barat (same day for both acc. to there resp. calenders) when Hindus celebrate "DIWALI" as a symbol of LORD RAMA'S home coming Muslims celebrate RAMA-DAN....both keep fast on these days. (same month) Hindus take 7 rounds of black stone (a symbol of supreme god, they believe selected black stones are from haeven) Muslims take 7 rounds of kabba (inside it black stone is placed, they also believe it is from haeven) (same way of worship supreme god) HERE IT SHOULD BE KEPT IN MIND HINDUISM IS 7000 YEARS OLD AND ISLAM 1400 There is a verse in quran...."All types of believers are not explained here , ohh believers dont't think they are unbelievers."...is this verse and above points proving any connection between 7000 years old Hinduism and 1400 years old Islam? Was quran hinting about "hinduism" indirectly? Is there any connection in RAMA-DAN and LORD RAMA home coming...because name is same , also the timings are same. IS LORD RAM = ALLAH? BHAVASHYIA PURANA of hinduism has already mentiond prophet mohammed 5000 years ago. In this LORD KRISHNA says , i will start new religion by this man , Mahammed. The followers of this religion will be meat eaters and circumsised and different from Sanatan dharam (Hinduism). this is an islamic site which will give u further understanding http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/prophhs.html for more u have to read vast hindu scriptuers. LORD RAMA and LORD KRISHNA are one and same, both are human incarnations of supreme lord at different times.
  8. <font color="red"> 'Hindu cosmology's time-scale for the universe is in consonance with modern science' </font color> <font color="red"> Hindu cosmology and Modern science </font color> In the Hindu scientific approach, understanding of external reality depends on also understanding the godhead. In all Hindu traditions the Universe is said to precede not only humanity but also the gods. Fundamental to Hindu concepts of time and space is the notion that the external world is a product of the creative play of maya (illusion). Accordingly the world as we know it is not solid and real but The universe is in constant flux with many levels of reality; the task of the saint is find release (moksha) from the bonds of time and space. Unlike the West, which lives in a historical world, India is rooted in a timeless universe of eternal return: everything which happens has already done so many times before, though in different guises. Hinduism arose from the discoveries of people who felt that they had gained an insight into the nature of reality through deep meditation and ascetic practices. Science uses a heuristic method that requires objective proof of mathematical theories. Yet both have proposed similar scenarios for the creation of the universe. <font color="red"> Carl sagan on Hindu cosmology </font color> The Carl Sagan, the distinguished Cornell University astronomer and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, who succumbed to his battle against cancer on December 15, in fact lived for millions of years in the relative time scale of experience. The main reason that we oriented this episode of COSMOS towards INDIA is because of that wonderful aspect of Hindu cosmology which first of all gives a time-scale for the Earth and the universe -- a time-scale which is consonant with that of modern scientific cosmology. We know that the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old, and the cosmos, or at least its present incarnation, is something like 10 or 20 billion years old. The Hindu tradition has a day and night of Brahma in this range, somewhere in the region of 8.4 billion years. As far as I know. It is the only ancient religious tradition on the Earth which talks about the right time-scale. We want to get across the concept of the right time-scale, and to show that it is not unnatural. In the West, people have the sense that what is natural is for the universe to be a few thousand years old, and that billions is indwelling, and no one can understand it. The Hindu concept is very clear. Here is a great world culture which has always talked about billions of years. Finally, the many billion year time-scale of Hindu cosmology is not the entire history of the universe, but just the day and night of Brahma, and there is the idea of an infinite cycle of births and deaths and an infinite number of universes, each with its own gods. <font color="red">"ON TIME AND PLACE: A PHILOSOPHY OF TIME" by the Rev. Roger Bertschausen Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship January 22, 1995 </font color> We in the West have long had trouble with time. Early Judaism, Christianity and Islam had no inkling of the long age of the universe. Cosmologies from these religions were based on the notion that the universe started at a finite point in the recent past. St. Augustine set the beginning of the universe at 5000 bce. For centuries, this figure was embraced by most Westerners. (And some continue to believe it.) Additionally, the early Christians also believed that the end of time as we know it was close at hand. This view of time contrasts sharply with other religious perspectives on the age of the universe. In the Hindu tradition, for example, one day in the life of Brahma lasts 4,300,000,000 years. And Brahma lives for the equivalent of 311,040,000,000,000 human years. The historian of religions Huston Smith reports one way of conceiving of the Hindu time-frame. Alan Watts, a professor, graduate school dean and research fellow of Harvard University. "To the philosophers of India, however, Relativity is no new discovery, just as the concept of light years is no matter for astonishment to people used to thinking of time in millions of kalpas, ( A kalpa is about 4,320,000 years). The fact that the wise men of India have not been concerned with technological applications of this knowledge arises from the circumstance that technology is but one of innumerable ways of applying it." Dick Teresi ,author and coauthor of several books about science and technology, including "The God partical" "Indian cosmologists, the first to estimate the age of the earth at more than 4 billion years. They came closest to modern ideas of atomism, quantum physics, and other current theories. India developed very early, enduring atomist theories of matter. Possibly Greek atomistic thought was influenced by India, via the Persian civilization." According to Guy Sorman, visiting scholar at Hoover Institution at Stanford and the leader of new liberalism in France: " Temporal notions in Europe were overturned by an India rooted in eternity. The Bible had been the yardstick for measuring time, but the infinitely vast time cycles of India suggested that the world was much older than anything the Bible spoke of. It seem as if the Indian mind was better prepared for the chronological mutations of Darwinian evolution and astrophysics." Huston Smith born in China to Methodist missionaries, a philosopher, most eloquent writer, world-famous religion scholar . He has said in Hinduism “The invisible excludes nothing, the invisible that excludes nothing is the infinite – the soul of India is the infinite.” “Philosophers tell us that the Indians were the first ones to conceive of a true infinite from which nothing is excluded. The West shied away from this notion. The West likes form, boundaries that distinguish and demarcate. The trouble is that boundaries also imprison – they restrict and confine.” “India saw this clearly and turned her face to that which has no boundary or whatever.” “India anchored her soul in the infinite seeing the things of the world as masks of the infinite assumes – there can be no end to these masks, of course. If they express a true infinity.” And It is here that India’s mind boggling variety links up to her infinite soul.” “India includes so much because her soul being infinite excludes nothing.” It goes without saying that the universe that India saw emerging from the infinite was stupendous.” "While the West was still thinking, perhaps, of 6,000 years old universe – India was already envisioning ages and eons and galaxies as numerous as the sands of the Ganges. The Universe so vast that modern astronomy slips into its folds without a ripple.” "Whereas in Western religions a creator god precedes man and the universe, the Hindu gods are preceded by creation; the origin of the world is envisaged not so much as an act of creation but as one of organization, the making of order out of chaos. The universe is often said to be born from the sacred syllable Om, or from an inert void in which " there was neither being nor non-being ... death nor non-death", a single principle from which emerged the diversity of life. From this void desire was born, and from desire came humans, gods and creation." Einstein writes that "cosmic expansion may be simply a temporary condition which will be followed at some future epoch of cosmic time by a period of contraction. The universe in this picture is a pulsating balloon in which cycles of expansion and contraction succeed each other through eternity." Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, writes: "At the big bang itself, the universe is thought to have had zero size, and so to have been infinitely hot . . . The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired." The Vedas also state that creation is ongoing: what has been in the past is being repeated in the new cycle. Stephen Hawking writes, "Thus, when we see the universe, we are seeing it as it was in the past." It's perhaps enough for the modern mind to know how great is the similarity. SOURCES, http://www.atributetohinduism.com/Hindu_Cosmology.htm http://www.csuohio.edu/hindu/hindusimmeaning.htm http://www.rediff.com/news/jan/29sagan.htm http://www.hinduism-today.com/archives/1999/8/1999-8-07.shtml http://www.focol.org/fvuuf/timplac1.html http://www.vedanta-newyork.org/articles/cosmology_in_vedanta.htm Love and peace <font color="red"> May LORD KRISHNA bless u </font color>
  9. Bliss of the Self (Happiness) is always with you, and you will find it for yourself, if you would seek it earnestly. The cause of your misery is not in the life outside you, it is in you as the ego. You impose limitations on yourself and then make a vain struggle to transcend them. All unhappiness is due to the ego; with it comes all your trouble. What does it avail you to attribute to the happenings in life the cause of misery which is really within you? What happiness can you get from things extraneous to yourself? When you get it, how long will it last? If you would deny the ego and scorch it by ignoring it, you would be free. If you accept it, it will impose limitations on you and throw you into a vain struggle to transcend them. To be the Self that you really are is the only means to realise the bliss(Happiness) that is ever yours. You should withdraw the senses from the sense-objects as there is no trace of happiness in them and fix the mind on the immortal, blissful Self within. The sense-objects have a beginning and an end. Separation from the sense-objects gives you a lot of pain. During the interval between the origin and the end you experience a hollow, momentary, illusory pleasure. This fleeting pleasure is due to Avidya or ignorance. He who is endowed with discrimination or knowledge of the Self will never rejoice in these sensual objects. That pleasure which arises from the contact of the sense-organ with the objects, which is at first like nectar, and in the end like poison - that is declared to be Rajasic. -Gita, Ch. 18, Verse 38 thanks May Lord KRISHNA bless u
  10. Sri Hanumanji is an incarnation of Lord Siva. Brihaspati (the preceptor of the gods) had an attendant by the name of Punjikasthala who was cursed to assume the body of a female monkey. The curse was to be removed on her giving birth to an incarnation of Lord Siva. Accordingly, she was born as Anjana and, together with her husband Kesari ,lived a life of chastity and purity. She performed intense Tapasya (austerities) for a great many years, during which period she worshipped Lord Siva who being pleased with her granted her a boon. She asked that He (Lord Siva) be born to her so that she may be freed from the curse. As soon as Hanumanji was born, Anjana was released from the curse and wished to return to Heaven. Sri Hanumanji met Sri Rama whilst Sri Rama was in banishment. Sri Rama, together with his brother Lakshamana, was searching for his wife Sita. (Sita was abducted by the demon Ravana). Hanumanji is said to be immortal and is present in the world even today. He is the link between the devotees and God, for, as instructed by the Lord, he serves, protects and inspires the servants of God. Saints like Tulasidas had the darshan (divine vision) of the Lord through the grace of Hanumanji. There is unlimited power enclosed within us. When all that energy is directed towards the worship of God, it is called Bhakti or Devotion. This is exemplified by Sri Hanuman. If that energy is utilised for our selfish interests, it can result in downfall and destruction, as exemplified by Ravana. If we treat our potentialities with indifference they fritter away in all directions and are completely wasted.This is represented by common people all over the world who are not making any effort to advance along the spiritual path. In the GEETA, Lord KRISHNA describes the qualities of a bhakta or a devotee: "He who acts for Me, who is engrossed in Me, who is My devotee, who is free from attachment, he reaches Me!" The very first quality is "He who acts for Me". The very birth of Hanuman is to accomplish Sri Ram`s tasks as says Jambvan: "You are born to work for Sri Ram." He has such a devotion to his task that he forgets all physical fatigue.When on being pleased with Hanuman`s achievements, Sri Ram embraces him; in return Hanuman begs only that he may remain Sri Ram`s steadfast devotee. "O Lord, bless me with undying devotion for you, for you are a source of great bliss for me. May I have everlasting love for You!" This alone was the desire of Hanuman. Hanuman`s greatness lies in his complete surrender to the Lord and he merges his own existence in the Lord.. From whatever point of view we see, we find that Sri Hanuman`s bhakti or devotion was so perfect that it culminated in advaitic God realisation. Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Said: "There are different levels among the devotees of God: superior, mediocre and inferior. All this has been described in the Gita. The inferior devotee says, 'God exists, but He is very far off, up there in heaven.' The mediocre devotee says, 'God exists in all beings as life and consciousness.' The superior devotee says: 'It is God Himself who has become everything; whatever I see is only a form of God. It is He alone who has become Maya, the universe, and all living beings. Nothing exists but God.' thanks May Lord KRISHNA bless u
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