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Posts posted by hemant

  1. i would like to again bring out to the knowledge that MAHAKAAL TATVA is just about giving happiness to everyone & not taking anything in return since everything has come from HIM only & for MAHAKAAL everyone is like a child to him. while giving something for one's happiness , all are equal in MAHAKAAL's tatva & everyone has a space to live life largely in heaven . right from asuraas / gods / humans / animals or to any other form of life which exists or does not even exists.


    we have seen where all GODS & ASURAS were afraid to drink the poison at the time of SAAGAR MANTHAN & I MEAN ALL GODS approached only MAHADEVAM to help out. HE was the only one who accepted to drink all the deadly poison to let life live & flourish.


    i am not against any other tatva since all tatvas have come from MAHAKAAL.


    any comments on this are welcomed , can explain u lots more.










  2. hi everybody


    i have been reading your topic & it is quite surprsing that krishna [ incarnation of lord vishnu ] (i do not mean to disrespect him in any stance) is termed as the supreme aatma.


    if we go through ancient vedas / purans there is only one tatva they have respected that is the OMKAAR which has come within MAHAKAAL Mahadevam.


    lord krishna is just a human form & he indeed has guided many for a give & take relationship with everybody which is exactly the vaishnavs follow.


    now to understand that lord mahakaal is the supreme being i have the below to bring to all of your attention , please note that this is not shivaite or vishnuaite i am speaking of but lord mahakaal is indeed the supreme one which i can prove from below :

    1) he is addressed as MAHADEVA , Vishnu had been termed as the supreme aatma but he is never addressed anywhere as MAHADEVAM.


    2) lord shiva is SAMA PRAVATI which means he is equal to everyone , he treats everyone (rakshas, deva , manushya , pashus & every other life form or non life form that exists or even does not exists EQUAL ) whereas we have seen other GODS as treating or favouring only GODS / MANUSHYAS & SOMETIMES in that process hurting the other ganas / life forms


    3) MAHAKAAL has space for each & everyone & we know that this world we stay is mithya & there exists a other world of only aatmas. sharir (the body is perishable even the GREAT BHAGVATA GITA HAS AGREED ON THIS) . that is why even the great ravana worshipped LORD shiva & even LORD RAMA WORSHIPPED LORD SHIVA , we all know that it was impossible that RAMA would have won against RAVANA without the help of RUDRA AVATAAR HANUMANA . Then there was krishna who again had to take help of Hanumanji & hanuman ji has to stay on the Dhwaja of Arjuna to help him get victory over the kauravas.


    i will explain more if someone decides to argue on all this .


    MAHAKAAL SHIVA is the only one who is called as MRITYUNJAYA

    A guide for all of you how LORD VISHNU / MAHAKALI got their form.


    we know the VAMA ANGA & the ardhanarishwar roopas of LORD MAHAKAAL , from the left side MAHAKAAL decided to give up most of his shakti who is a female form DEVI MAHAKALi.

    & from his right side LORD VISHNU was given birth to handle all activities.


    Please be noted that MAHAKAAL Cannot be defined but have tried to define him as when ANANTA CRORES OF BRAHMAS appear from LORD VISHNUS STOMACH there is one full form of LORD VISHNU. & it is one FULL AVATAARA OF LORD VISHNU & WHEN SUCH ANANANTA CRORES OF LORD VISHNU fullfill their terms then also it just forms a LEG OF MAHAKAAL.


    i again say that i do not mean to disrespect anybody's BHAVANAS but this is the fact one has to understand.


    as for now this is enough.






  3. Dear Friends,


    On behalf of the Vedic Society, it is my great pleasure to introduce you to TRANSCENDENCE '04- A Celebration of Culture, a mega festival being organized for the First Time on Penn State Campus on Oct 5th and 6th at the HUB lawns!!!


    Transcendence ‘04 is an effort by our group in conjunction with Festival of India Inc., to provide the Penn State community a window into the various aspects of the Indian culture through the use of several attractively designed panels and a gallery of illustrative art work, sculpture, and photographic reproductions depicting information on little known topics such as karma, yoga, consciousness, reincarnation, environment, vegetarianism and others.


    A main feature of Transcendence ‘04 is the cultural performances that will include Classical Indian entertainment including Bharatanatayam, and Mohini Atam dances, Classical, Western and Fusion music, Theater presentations based on great ancient historical epics like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. In addition, the highlight of the festival will be a Vegetarian Feast. Indian culture is known for its richness of cuisine and this will provide the community a taste of this celebrated cuisine.


    We cordially invite you and your family to join usfor this mega festival. Please visit our website at www.psutranscendence.org or www.thevedicsociety.org (and follow the link to Transcendence 2004) for complete information.


    Contact us at vmk117@psu.edu or abidheya_prayojana@.




    Thank you.




    Vidyadhar Karmarkar

    Organizing Committee, Transcendence'04

    President, Penn State Vedic Society


  4. Dear Friends,


    On behalf of the Vedic Society, it is my great pleasure to introduce you to TRANSCENDENCE '04- A Celebration of Culture, a mega festival being organized for the First Time on Penn State Campus on Oct 5th and 6th at the HUB lawns!!!


    Transcendence ‘04 is an effort by our group in conjunction with Festival of India Inc., to provide the Penn State community a window into the various aspects of the Indian culture through the use of several attractively designed panels and a gallery of illustrative art work, sculpture, and photographic reproductions depicting information on little known topics such as karma, yoga, consciousness, reincarnation, environment, vegetarianism and others.


    A main feature of Transcendence ‘04 is the cultural performances that will include Classical Indian entertainment including Bharatanatayam, and Mohini Atam dances, Classical, Western and Fusion music, Theater presentations based on great ancient historical epics like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. In addition, the highlight of the festival will be a Vegetarian Feast. Indian culture is known for its richness of cuisine and this will provide the community a taste of this celebrated cuisine.


    We cordially invite you and your family to join usfor this mega festival. Please visit our website at www.psutranscendence.org or www.thevedicsociety.org (and follow the link to Transcendence 2004) for complete information.


    Contact us at vmk117@psu.edu or abidheya_prayojana@.




    Thank you.




    Vidyadhar Karmarkar

    Organizing Committee, Transcendence'04

    President, Penn State Vedic Society


  5. Haribol,


    Glad to know that you enjoy going to temples and eating prasadam for that is not mere food but Krishnas leftovers. Srila Prabhupada said that if one eats from a sick persons plate that person too becomes sick. So if we eat Krishnas leftovers we are sure to get His sickness which is pure spiritual bliss.


    To start off there are some wrong connections you make in your understanding of hinduismn in the broad sense and Krishna in person.


    The triune that you mention in christianity are not the demigods brahma,vishnu and shiva. The triune is bhagawan (father), his marginal potency the souls (jivas) (son) and impersonal brahman (the holy ghost).


    Secondly, Krishna was never a mortal. No authorative book will ever say that. There is only appearance and disappearance of Krishna or his authorised servants (shaktiavesh avatars). Infact in mahabharata (the great epic with the battle of good against evil) it is clearly stated that Krishna ascended straight from earth to the heavens and to His spritual abode Goloka Vrindavan. Similarly, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is followed by ISKCON and IRM devotees, merged into the deity in Jaganathpuri which is a temple in India. There is never any death per se. He comes to planet earth as several avatars (manifestations) in order to perform duties like fulfilling His devotees wishes, to re-establish religion, to kill demons etc. Thus He assumes a material body (as observed by souls in ignorance),but in no way is affected by the modes of material nature, in order to attract the souls which are His parts and parcels. Krishna never became GOD. He is the supreme since time immemorial (primeval).The concept of time is limited to material universe, which we are a slaves to. In the spiritual world there is the everlasting blissful present.


    As far as Krishna claiming Himself being the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Bhagvadgita is full of such quotes. In the Brhama-Samahita which is one of the Vedic texts of authority there is a verse which goes, 'Ishwarah param Krishna', which means that 'Krishna you are the supreme yourself'. Infact, Krishna states clearly that He is present in every atom.


    Just to give an understanding of comprehensiveness of vedic tects, not many people know that the birth of Jesus Christ was known through the vedic texts long before Jesus appeared on our planet. So is the case with Muhammad. Hinduism is eternal religion (sanathana dharma) where religion means serving god (which is the religion of every soul) and not the literal meaning of religion as found in dictionaries of english.


    I hope that this gives you a better understanding of Krishna. Forgive anything said wrongly. Wish you luck in your spiritual endeavours.


    Hare Krishna


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