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I have heard that there was a kirtan so ecstatic that Sri Nityananda hopped down off the altar and danced among the devotees. In the temple I go to, if Their Lordships are fed too much fattening foods, they will actually put on weight... I have seen this. If a blatent offense is made, they will look completely fried with you. But these things aren't really mysterious... After all, The deities are not oridinary material things. They are God Himself.
The worst commercial I have seen is one that Arby's (slaughter-house beef pushers) has where two (obviously) westernized American East Indians are standing before the menu at an Arby's and one prods the other and says "you need to start enjoying more, go ahead and order [something like a beef sandwhich]" /images/graemlins/mad.gif ..the friend starts to imagine that in his next life he will probably reincarnate as a Mexican pinata, so he may as well start "enjoying" and living it up some......he snaps out of his daydream and agrees with his friend. How offensive and ignorant is that? That is almost as bad as that Australian commercial where the butchers are on Harinam singing "High in protein, high in protein..." thankfully that one was pulled after many complaints.
If someone displays mistique powers and/or invokes some nice feelings in you... are you apt to claim him to be an incarnation of God? I don't think we should be impressed with mystique powers...it is just another case of the jiva trying to lord it over material nature.
you use UBB codes...the easiest way is to preview your post first, then add your image. quoting is done by writing a bracketed "quote" like this (without the periods) [q.u.o.t.e.], then your text, then bracketed "/quote" [/.q.u.o.t.e] to end the quote same for bold, put a b in between brackets and undo it by putting a /b /images/graemlins/wink.gif this link explains bb code: explanation of bb code at devaswami.com
yeah, I took that test when I was 15...19 years ago! ...and all this time I thought I had a high I.Q.! lol /images/graemlins/wink.gif at least they didn't git'me /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
yeah, they do give great I.Q. and personality tests, and it's all for free! /images/graemlins/smile.gif of course, that is how they get'ya! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
wow, chittan, thanks for replying. This is reallt interesting to me too, but I am afraid I am not expert yet in scripture to really respond comfortably. However, although we have very powerfull microscopes, I doubt the soul would be seen,as it is above ether, it is above subtle living entities, which we can't see either. so, hmmm. There is also paramatma in the heart, the four armed vishnu. I read that He is 8 inches. when you say the soul is aprt and related to the body, perhaps it is via paratmatma? I am not certain. Time to hit the books and see. I'll post what I can find....
misconceptions about hinduism, buddhism, jainism...
Bhaktaneal replied to a topic in The Hinduism Forum
I am still apt to believe the Srimad Bhagavatam as literal, simply because I trust Srila Prabhupada. -
misconceptions about hinduism, buddhism, jainism...
Bhaktaneal replied to a topic in The Hinduism Forum
I have yet to read 5th canto....lol so I was purely speculating... /images/graemlins/blush.gif hey, your welcome anyways though /images/graemlins/grin.gif -
misconceptions about hinduism, buddhism, jainism...
Bhaktaneal replied to a topic in The Hinduism Forum
Have you considered that these could be speaking of the spiritual rhealm and not our material rhealm? Why only accept what our limited perception tells us of this "real world", which we are so convinced is the end all be all of existance? Who is to say how things are, and how we would understand them with spiritual vision? I keep an open mind. -
Anand is correct. It is not the conditioned living entity that defines the Lord or the soul when the information is given by an authority, in this case the Vedas. Srila Prabhupada taught from the Vedas, there was no mental speculation or theory involved. This knowledge is perfect because it comes from Sri Krsna Himself. So in answer to the questions about the soul,(and I am sorry that I am not more qualified to answer) I would accept the answers coming from the self relized teacher/Acarya, in this case Srila Prabhupada. So I was trying at least to answer where the soul lies/lays, or resides, by telling you it is inside your heart, and is very tiny. The Bhagavad Gita explains beautifully about the soul, which is qualitatively the same as Krsna, but quantitatively different. Our soul is like a spark from a fire. The spark has all the qualities of fire, but it is not the fire, in that it is just a minute portion. I ask forgiveness if I have done a hack job on Prabhupada's teachings... I am still learning /images/graemlins/grin.gif You can check out this link, which is Krsna's explanation of the soul: Bhagavad Gita, As It Is Chapter Two, Contents of Gita Summarized
misconceptions about hinduism, buddhism, jainism...
Bhaktaneal replied to a topic in The Hinduism Forum
Guest wrote: sumthing or the other.... to try and prove it to you might entail an offense for some, as you seem likely to attack rather than consider. One true hinderance to spiritual matters, which will keep someone in the dark for many lifetimes to come is contempt prior to investigation. -
The soul resides in our heart and is very, very tiny. Srila Prabhupada said it is 1/10,000 of a tip of a hair in size, (I believe, if I missquoted, it is approximate to that)
My wife and I have a veggie cook book from India, written in English, but obviously geared towards those with a working knowledge of Hindi. We have compiled a list of words that we can't guesstimate the definition of. If anyone here knows the meaning of any, could you post it for us? Or if someone knows a creme de la creme of websites with a creme de la creme of glossaries, we would be ever so obliged. The book has alot of typos, so some of these words may not be spelled right. what to speak of phonetics. well, here it is: suji petha green gram achar (we think this one has something to do with pickling?) barian papar malai jeera arbee and arbi ajwain dhania tinda mashed brinjal kachaloo euryle farex -when curd and paneer are used in the same recipe, is the curd supposed to be wet or unpressed?- (like cottage cheese, perhaps?) chirounji tatri saunf kasairoo jimikand if anyone knows even one or two of these words, could you be ever so kind and post it for us? we would be very gratefull, as the cooking is for my Thakurji's (as long as it is acceptable)
Why talk so visciously? I think most who are at this forum are questioning the purpose of life. They have begun to look for answers and some are finding it in Sanatama dharma or Hinduism. Why does this upset you so? try to be nice? /images/graemlins/laugh.gif