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  1. Hi, I am new to this website and came across after I started to see that the predictions as told to me by Naadi office in Vadodara, Gujarat by Naadi Astrologer (N R Raman) on 6 Oct 2005 were not coming correct hence I started to search on website for an answer, Also my curisioty gathered momentum after I saw recently MANO YA NA MANO 2 on NDTV IMAGINE channel dealing with Naadi episode on 11 Nov 2010. I had gone for full recording of all the 12 chapters available telling about past life present and future life and had Rs. 2500. Unfortunately after few years I saw that dates and prediction pertaining to that year did not match and was not matching. Even the tel and mobile numbers mentioned above are not being answered. Can anyone hepl me and let me know on my email id - with regrd to any other alternative solution?. I am at present staying in Udaipur, Rajasthan and it would be nice if any Naaadi Astrologer in avaialable in Udaipur who can read my palm leafs again and let me know what went wrong last time. Ranjan
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