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Posts posted by Camm

  1. Sometimes somthing comes along that lifts the heart - reading Ms. Bush's autobiography was wonderful


    "....Always the love of nature is in evidence. The fragrance of the flowers, the breathless whisper of the summer wind, the crystal tracery of the winter frost, the message-bearing leaves of forest trees, the pebbles of the brook, murmuring as they are displaced by their sweet yet voiceless utterance.


    Bright-winged bees, in their wide quest of honey, seem to intrigue the much. And always They worship beauty, the universal. Not one phase or detail of beauty escapes them.


    The golden down on the throat of the lily has full value in their sight. A petal of the tiniest star-flower is to them touched with divine glory. The call of the wild dove is a note of celestial music and the strong wind sweeping through the trees a great orchestra throbbing to the baton of the maestro. "



    Camm x

  2. You guys certainly know how to talk Posted Image)


    Having only just begun to explore my spiritual path I have read your debate with real interest. The problem I have with following any religion is that words can be interpreted in so many ways - and, as we see around us, in ways that justify destruction, poverty, heartache and death.


    We are all part of the One - connected yet unique.


    Love to everyone whoever, wherever you are.



  3. You guys certainly know how to talk Posted Image)


    Having only just begun to explore my spiritual path I have read your debate with real interest. The problem I have with following any religion is that words can be interpreted in so many ways - and, as we see around us, in ways that justify destruction, poverty, heartache and death.


    We are all part of the One - connected yet unique.


    Love to everyone whoever, wherever you are.



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