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  1. If different worlds are unrelated then why do tell us to artificially relate ourselves to Islam by telling us to gain knowledge from Islamic scholars ? No my friends all the infinite universes are all related (what to speak of Arabia and India which are on the same planet) , because the same Lord Vishnu (who is a plenary expansion of Krishna) creates and destroys them by His Supreme Will. And if you are talking about Islamic Scholars , you should read the above document carefully. Your Islamic scholars 1850 BCE have written poems glorifying the four Vedas and King Vikramaditya ! You think you can just close you eyes and say that you don't see the facts ! Do not follow a religion with no science , no philosophy , no history , no facts ... Even if you do not follow Sanatana Dharma , learn to respect it because it is the only revealed religion. I know everybody says this for the religion that they follow , but simply do a comparitive study with an open mind and the answer will come from within your soul...
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