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Everything posted by bijubkb_01

  1. I also want some oriya CD on Krishna bhajan. How is it possible? Can it be available at ISKCON, BBSR. Details can be sent to me in address below or through my e-mail address. Bijay Behera Sr Inspection Engineer Barauni refinery, IOCL Begusarai, Bihar-851114 phone-06243-275939 e-mail:beherabk@iocl.co.in
  2. Many creatures suffers much in the course of self enjoyment. Like an insect coming to fire for its own sense enjoyment. As per transmigration of souls, some creatures get some sense to know the danger at the onset of it. Human beings can know this. It is again varied, person to person as per his consciousness. Otherwise how culprit suufering in jail comes out and do the same mistake again & again. In this age, most human beings have their consciousness to the level of animal.More dependent on material, less is the God/ Krishna consciousness. Due to tending towards lesser god consciousness, human being will burn or kill themselves like an insect killing himself in fire. As river water can not change the salineness of sea water, similarly God is never perishable. Human beings who lives only on his beliefs remain under illusion & lives a suffering life but remain hopeful for temprary pleasure. Hare Krishna
  3. Dear Prabhuji, We heartly accept Lord Krisna as God, cause of all causes and he is beyond of everything. But, the question was that whether people were worshipping Lord Krishna before 5000 years ago or his appearance. Whether they were worshipping Lord Vishnu at That time? Hare Krishna
  4. This is a genuine question. Lord Krisna is supreme. But, answer is not accrding to the question.
  5. Dear Prabhuli, Excellent answer. If human beings were given the power to produce their offsprings through their mind, everybody would have tried to make a very beautiful & attrating child through the mind. Definitely, they would not have tried to produce the child through sex. Only that organ could have used only for own sex enjoyment. So, we infinitesmall creatures should never compare ourselves with lord Brahma but only accept the scriptures and engage in devotional service to Srikrishna. Hare Krishna
  6. Committing sinful activities on the strength of the holy name is a great offence to lord and spiritual guru. Only they can forgive. It is understood that you are repenting for your action. Seeds when gets water sprouts. Similarly, desire transforms into action when gets opportunities. It is very easy to fall from a spiritual platform. Noone can perform such activities by name of God. If any one encourages such, they are real enemy of you and god. So, only tell to Krishna your problem. He can deliver you. Hare Krishna
  7. Dear Prabhuji, I would like to reply to your points as per little knowledge I have: (1) Who is not direct relative of Krishna? Eveerything has come from Krishna. He is the seed giving father of all of us. We all are also his direct cousins/ sons/daughters. (2)Deer has a life also. The cobbler after dying of a deer can remove the skin and give it to respected real brahmins. (3) Everything happens in Lord's desire. Who can stop it? It is difficult to understand the leela of supreme lord. Even great Risis, Lord Brahma also sometimes bewildered by the leela of param purusa SriKrishna. Even one who is living entirely on the quality of goodness alone, he has also chance to fall down. Only SriKrishna is above the gunas. So, Yudhistir living in the mode of goodness can also commit mistake. (4) A man who has experienced the brahma can be called Brahmin. So, to what extent they were Brahmin and whether they have opposed to it initially is not fully unknown. With my little knowledge, I have replied. I may be forgiven for any mistakes. We can only understand Krishna by complete surrenderness not by speculation by utilising our limited mind. Hare Krishna
  8. My humble obeisance to all devotees. I am just a life member of iskcon. I am totally convinced that SriKrishna is the supreme godhead and he is the cause of all causes. Lord krishna lived like a human being in this world when he had descended, though his activities & presence was unparallel. But he as a human being must have passed urine & stool. How can the supreme god come in contact with those personally? It is just something coming in my mind. I have deep respect for Srila Prabhupad and all devotees of SriKrishna. In the service of all. Bijay Behera
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