Many creatures suffers much in the course of self enjoyment. Like an insect coming to fire for its own sense enjoyment. As per transmigration of souls, some creatures get some sense to know the danger at the onset of it. Human beings can know this. It is again varied, person to person as per his consciousness. Otherwise how culprit suufering in jail comes out and do the same mistake again & again.
In this age, most human beings have their consciousness to the level of animal.More dependent on material, less is the God/ Krishna consciousness.
Due to tending towards lesser god consciousness, human being will burn or kill themselves like an insect killing himself in fire.
As river water can not change the salineness of sea water, similarly God is never perishable. Human beings who lives only on his beliefs remain under illusion & lives a suffering life but remain hopeful for temprary pleasure.
Hare Krishna