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Ordos Gold

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Posts posted by Ordos Gold


    Dear Devotees,


    the following people are registered on the e65 endowment program to receive

    US $20,000..... They need to contact me urgently, as they have not sent in

    their final forms:


    Michael Grant S.

    Teagen Louise S.

    Mikaela Rose S.



    ys Amogha das.


    Have you heard anyting from e65 lately? The funny thing is I was told by a psychic that I would get payout from a delayed loan type situation. I was thinking about e65 but never asked the question.


    Then in 2009 the web page went down and they were supposed to contact us with the new site. This is when e-force took over. I'm going to write to e-force today and ask them what the situation is.

  2. Varna is NATURAL LAW. Period. Dogs have caste. Cats have caste. Insects have caste. The caste is determined from the male. This is now supported by genomic "science". This implys EXOGAMIC marriage rites with the only exceptions being if the woman is red haired, green eyed or blonde or blue eyed. For obvious reasons. Recessive genes. Not all Brahmin are householders. So its really a choice. The new deal so to speak. Hindu's do not have anything to say about Manu. Period. Hindus are esoteric. Esoteric means "one who does not know". Also, this is not hindu nor indo-european philsophy. It is from central asia. Its like talking to a catholic about the bible.


    Protestants are reformed lutherans. Hence the name. Lutherans are reformed catholics. They protested the propositions of catholicism. Ie. Iconlicism. Now back to what you said about everything being from Brahma. This is a hindu cultural concept. Hindu's eaither worship Vishnu or Shiva. If you worship Shiva you must be poor. You cannot be a poor brahmin! Its like feng shui. Useless if you dont have your own domicle. The condition of ownership is maintenence and sustinence.


    You cannot worship brahma! He has no form, no color, no shape, and to attribute PERSONAGE to a diety let along Bbrahma is a issue all and of itself. Vishu and Shiva are not gods. They are natural forces. Can be percieved by the internal organ only. This is totally metaphysical. Brahma is the noumenon!


    How can anyone really argue these points outside of the viewpoint of the philosophy which supports it? Where was christianity before jesus? This is why I am not a christian.

  3. It does not. Women are as falsehood itself. Back then, same with other languages like Chinese and Mongolian. No seperate words are used for male or female. It basicly implys that anything the opposite of the Male principle straightness, direct, forceful, is falsehood itself. However in the classical interpretation it says further that a woman cannot FALL from caste nor GAIN caste. This includes others called untouchables. Pregnant women, retarded, invalids, ect. Bad luck is still luck. Bad credit is still credit. No credit is not bad credit. No caste is therefore not bad caste. In other words women cannot "sin". And the rites and rules for priests are for "MEN ONLY" as soilders classically are "MEN ONLY".


    It is a burden that men carry. A king can lose caste. A commoner cannot decide to be treated as a king. The approach should be "hands off" as long as they maintain the status quo so to speak.


    Is this book actually considered religious or more of a cultural thing? I don't know it was the white translator's hidden motives, but the things I have read from it are just appalling and seem very bigoted (regarding caste and women). All the other scriptures I've read say that caste was based on guna and were equal, but this thing talks about the "twice-born" ., the ill-treatment of untouchables and what not.......



    Off-topic, but I also hate how people refer to the Kama Sutra as a religious book......I was reading a copy translated by a non-Indian, and they were talking about all that caste stuff, and quoting Manu...


    Yes one of the reasons Ghandi had to speak out against the Kama sutra. People would eventually draw a connection to Manu and extrapolate, leading to disasterous results. Religous or Cultural? Occult, indeed. Profound indeed. Manusmriti is unquestionably the missing owners manual to the occult sciences. I learned about it by mistake coming across something called the freemasons encyclopedia. I know, as bad as Freemasonry is, I sat down and read the entire thing. I took notes. The sections on Hinduism, Buddhism and the Laws of manu and the Stupha form of the tattvas was interesting. The freemasons secretly credit the vedas as the origin of all religon. "The river by which all religons flow". They made a mistake in the text. It says the Hinduism is a exoteric faith and that Brahmanism is esoteric. Its the other way around, nevertheless, its a thought provoking revelation.


    What happened is when the vedas were translated into english, those who were members of "royal" secret societys were stunned that they were finding secret doctrines in the sacred tradition. They found out why. So like the brahmin, they conceal this knowlege from the general public (the lay) and from low level masons.


    Check youtube and watch a video by John Ankerburg on Freemasonry. I know, its bad but watch the whole thing. Try to to fall out of your chair when the freemason guy mentions the vedas and what he says. As far as the encyclopedia, its free online with google and you can do a keyword search.


    When someone says read between the lines, this is what should be there. Put Manu Smriti together with the 25 gunas, and the Puranas, esp Brahma Purana and symbolic logic and you have a lot to work with. Keep in mind that Lewis Caroll was a freemason... Yes I put it lower case on purpose.

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