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About Damodara108dasa

  • Birthday 04/04/1950


  • Biography
    Srila Prabhupada mercifully initiated me at the Haight Ashbury temple in 1967
  • Location
    Omaha, Nebraska USA
  • Interests
    Chanting Hare Krishna
  • Occupation
    A servant of The Servant of the Servants of God

Damodara108dasa's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hello Sandy. Perhaps it is actually a good sign of Lord Krishna's inscrutable mercy. Sinere chanting of this Hare Krishna maha-mantra- the great mantra of liberation - acts to cleanse the dust (the dirty things) covering our souls. Perhaps for you right now, chanting is cleansing you of anger - and just as we sometimes stir up a bit of dust when sweepng the floor (sometimes making us sneeze!) - the anger arising is simple "stirred-up|ust." I encourage you to again take up. The chanting, and to also pray to Lord Krishna to glance favorably on you and help you be relieved of the anger that arises, so that you may better chant His Holy Name from your heart filled with love. Your friend and servant, Damodara dasa
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