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  1. Dear Yoda, Yours information is really very much useful. I am not sure whether I can ask you this or not but still I am requesting you ; is it possible for you to give me your mail id or contact number to contact you? because I am having bit difficult situation here, which I need explain you in detailed. but in brief my situation is also partly the same as it been mentioned in others' messages. if you can give me your contact mail id or contact number it would be grateful of you,. I have been left alone presently I have helped everyone but when I got problem everyone stepped out leaving me alone and also I dont have any other alternative except solving my problem. Hope you can understand. Thank you somuch. REgards, Gemlady.
  2. Hi, your information is giving lot of real facts of the mantras, I am just eager and enthusiastic to know more about these, is there any chance to get in touch with you or with your Guru? could you please provide us your Guru's details if you don't mind? actually I am having some personal problem for which I am waiting to take decision by some daivik Guru's suggestion. Will be waiting for your reply. Thank you. Best Regards.
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