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  1. Hello Audarya Fellowship, Need valuable input on my kundali regarding my wedding . Place: Mangalore 11/5/75 Time:21:50 Gender : Female Its been long time now. I would like to know when will I settle down in my life. Is problem in the kundali or attitude. Remedies to this . Area of improvement for healthy & smooth married life as its already late. Working will be beneficiary even after marriage as I am pofessional . Features about my partner & when will i find ..... What is my mistake & how shoud I lead in future. who are weak & strong planets in my chart & worshiping which lord will boost my healthy married life . Valuable response is highly appreciated. Awaiting for the response.
  2. Pranam Guruji. Seek guidance on the Marriage Possibility. D.O.B : 11/5/75 Place: Mangalore Time: 21:50 Gender : Female. Seek guidance on Marriage Possibility .Pls guide me where I am lagging as such a Delay in Marriage .What are my strong & weak planet positions. Ways to improve my personal & professional life. When will God show mercy on me .... Features about my Futute partner . Its been long time now & want to settle down. How long this struggling peroid & will ever my marriage chapter closes. Precautions for my life afer marriage. Is it my fate for such a delay or I am responsible for this. Awaiting for your Valuable response . Jyothi
  3. Jai Ram ji ki Pls provide your valuable guidance on marriage . 1.kind of marriage...love or arrange??if possible tell me at what age? 2.whats wrong in my horoscope,if any problem pls let me know any remedies. 3.Areas of strong & weak palnets to succeed in both peasonal & professional life. Birth Details: Place :Mangalore D.O.B : 11-5-75 Time: 21:50 Gender : female Sincere response is highly apprecitaed.
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