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  1. Hare Krishna, I'm new to the message boards. So far I'm pleased at the respectful manner in which topics are discussed, but am disappointed in the level of biases still present. I fail to see how sexual orientation plays into any religion, and the fact that homosexuality is addressed as "demonic" or should be "unlearned" is appalling to myself. For the record, I'm not a lesbian, but I feel I have to take a stand when it comes to these issues of sexual orientation, because it is the same tyoe of shame as racism, or sexual oppression of women to not say a word. I have seen many Gay persons suffer and cannot see how this is something they Wanted or a Learned behaviour, simply how they were born as some of us are born with God given traits such as green eyes or red hair. I find it sad that in 2005 we are still debating gay rights & marraige. Some people are attracted to the same sex, sometimes even have the capacity to love both male and female as just people... please let's get over it and stop trying to speak for God on wrong or right. I don't see how the loving couples I see with at times more commited devotion and respect for one another than most contemporary "hetero" couples can be called demonic or why homosexuality is addressed with the "sin" of lust. Let's love and not hurt one another is that not the principle idea of true religion? So here is a question that I've always pondered: Is not God addressed as Radha-Kishan? with a male and female counterpart meaning that God is not male or female. Does not the same apply for the soul? That within, our essense, as a spark of the divine light we are neither male nor female? I don't mean to hurt anyone or single anyone out on this board. I hope to engage in intelligent discussions to enlighten my path to Krishna. ------------------------------- Listen without prejudice ~ Samaya
  2. Thank you for sharing that fantastic article! I was born into a Hindu family but have grown up with a great love and respect for the Lord Christ too. In my eyes, Christ is in within Krishna also. I've never seen someone articulate that so well. Pure Love and the Respect and Compassion that springs forth from it is a religion that needs no labels of Hindu, Christian ... etc.
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