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you are quiet learnt and smart for sure.....hope people find true path through you good luck ...JSN
Jay Swami Narayan well if that makes you happy i just commented coz it hurted me.....i googled on Swaminarayan (Maharaj's name - not on LaxmiNarayan Dev Gadi nor NarNarayan Dev Gadi - BAPS nor anything) and came across the debate....do you think my search result was rite??? i would have been happy if i would have found leela's of Maharaj....some great Prasang...pichture's...that would help some common man like me to PLEASE Maharaj.... to be honest i do wish for Akshardham and wish to sit next to him...just like after too much work/frustation/happiness/anger/ any other feeling U would wish to hug ur mother/father/sister/brother/wife/husband...i wish to hug Maharaj and be with him 24/7...i have Mandir @ my home where i do aarti-thal-pooja... i visit Mandir and sit in sabha every Saturday/Sunday and possibly more and i find it blissful.....i talk to him...i hug him...i feel him..but my responsibilities take me away from him....so i wish to be with him in Akshardham...and i dont think God would want to deny to that..... THANKS PUREINDIAN for the link....thats Chesta(leela chintamani) i also found the Doha of Maharaj's description which was cool too i do have a cassate and i get to hear that everymorning if you'll have something similar....or more pic's, mobile screensavers, some prasangs of Maharaj....kindly post them... Thanks and Jay SwamiNarayan
Guys, I am a BAPS follower....and i got here because i was doing some search on google...i dint want to comment but i felt a bit hurt reading all the comments... I am not as learnt as you'll, but surely could say that Swaminarayan Bhagwan is not very proud of us here.....instead of fighting on our Swabhav....we are fighting on what is rite and wrong.....just like you'll have found a real guru....others will too....in thier own way....its the way Maharaj pleases.....as HE said "amara halavya vina panddu pun na hale" (without his wish a leaf cant move) Our one goal as a Swaminarayan should be Maharaj and nothing else...let others do what they want....try and book ur seat in Akshardahm....once when u r in akshardahm that's it... Respect Swaminarayan Bhagwan....dont fight like this...i googled Swaminarayan and i came here...thus 100's will and might...and if they see the way we argue...they are not going to be impressed by teaching of Swaminarayan Bhagwan... there are several temple's-mahant's-preacher's of Brahma-Vishnu (Krishna-Ram) - Shiv....but i am not sure if they would be fighting like we do.... if u realy want to post, post murti's - bhajan that praise the lord - videos -etc.....so next time when someone does a search on google....they come across beautifull and praises of God... I am not perfect.......i am still trying to be a Human....I am sure you'll are already 100% humans...and my humble request to u 100% humans is to respect Bhagwan and his reason of coming on this earth.... Thank you JSN
are they no scriputres except Bhagwad and BAPS Swaminarayan Scriputres???? i do have a little knowledge of scriputres except BHAGWAD & RAMAYAN & SWAMINARAYAN SCRIPTURES i have described quotes from Bhugol-Khagol and possibly i can tell u about more scriputres if u wana read them... and Vallabhacaharya himself has aproved this tatva-gnyan well isnt Krishna Avtar of Vishnu? and arent there 10000's of Brahmand's? and doesnt every Brahmand have their own Vishnu+Brahma+Mahesh? well Bhagwad is one of those scriputres written 5000years after Krishna passed away...not written by Krishna...is it? Surely i do salute Bhagwad
As per the scriputures:- Jiv Ishwar Maya Brahm Parabrahm the scriputures explain these as under:- JIVA:- 'That which is living', derived from verb-root 'jiv' - to live. Individual, embodied soul still bound by mãyã and consequently undergoing the cycle of births and deaths. Infinite in number. With the three bodies - sthul (gross), sukshma (subtle), and kãran (causal) - and three states - waking, dream, and deep sleep. First of the five eternal entities. ISHWAR:- Second of the five eternal entities. Infinite in number. Similar to jiva with respect to being bound by mãyã - i.e., composed of the 24 elements2, having three bodies, three states, three gunas, desires, etc. - but involved in the processes and lordship of the brahmãnds, and thus endowed by God with greater powers. Brahmã, Vishnu, Shiv and all entities greater than them upwards to Prakruti-Purush, are considered ishwars. Prakruti:- ‘Primal nature’. Divine energy or instrument of God that initiates the creation process by being ‘impregnated’ by Purush – also called Mul-Purush, Mahã-Purush, or Akshar-Purush – and from which countless pairs of Pradhãns and Purushes are ‘conceived’ for the creation and sustenance of each brahmãnd. Taken to be feminine in nature, she is composed of the three gunas, is both jad and chaitanya, eternal, nirvishesh, and in her dormant state houses all jivas and all elements. Also called Mul-Prakruti, Mul-mãyã, and even mahãmãyã. Prakruti-Purush :- The pair of Mul-Prakruti and Mul-Purush, from which countless pairs of Pradhãns and Purushes are formed for the creation and sustenance of each brahmãnd. Also called Mul-Prakruti-Purush. prãkruti-pralay ‘General dissolution’. Destruction of the body of Virãt-Purush, i.e., of all 14 realms of one brahmãnd, and the absorption of Pradhãn-Purush and the 24 elements 2 including mahattattva into mahãmãyã, i.e., Mul-Prakruti {Bhugol-Khagol.13}. This occurs when the two-parãrdh lifespan of Virãt-Purush has elapsed mãyã:- Instrument or power of God used as the fundamental 'substance' of creation. By nature, it is composed of the three gunas, is both jad and chaitanya, eternal, nirvishesh, and in its dormant state - before the time of creation - houses all jivas and ishwars, and all elements. It is inspired by, controlled by, and dependent on God Himself. The jivas and ishwars must transcend mãyã, i.e., eradicate it within themselves, in order to attain Parabrahm. Brahm:- 'Imperishable'. Second-highest of the five eternal entities; i.e., transcends everything except Purushottam. In his personal form, Brahma serves Parabrahm in His abode, and manifests as His ideal devotee, the Satpurush, on earth. Both forms are human in appearance Alone, often taken to refer to the Brahma of the shushka-Vedãntis, i.e. the nirgun, formless and non-dual ultimate reality, apart from which, they claim, all else is merely an illusion. The ishwar responsible for the creation of the brahmãnd and the life forms within it. Part of the trinity of ishwars, along with Vishnu (the sustainer) and Shiv (the destroyer), responsible for the governance of one brahmãnd. Not to be confused with Brahma, the second-highest of the five eternal entities. Parabrahma:- ‘Supreme Brahma’, God. Also called Paramãtmã or Parabrahma. Highest of the five eternal entities – transcending even Brahma. ‘Supreme being’, God. God, is one and unparalleled, omnipotent and the all-doer, omniscient, omnipresent, the reservoir of all forms of bliss, devoid of any attributes of mãyã (i.e., divine), replete with all forms of redemptive attributes. Also called Parabrahma or Paramãtmã.
please could u'll tell me ur tatva gnyan?
whats ur tatva gnyan?
Hindu teaching -> Bhakt sahit Bhagwan Radha and Krishna Laxmi and Narayan Swami and Narayan Akshar and Purshottam Ram was a avtar and no one knew about Krishna and there was no sign of Krishna taking Birth on Earth...Krishna was a avtar and there was no sign of Swaminarayan taking Birth the earlier Scriptures (VEDAS) have nothing about Ramayan or Bhagwad and BHagwad or Ramayan or Vedas have nothing off Shikshapatri or Vachnamrut
"Haribol, Can the learned members shed some light on when Srila Prabhupada took Samadhi & what exactly is samadhi?" M not sure but m gona answer with my limited knowledge Srila Prabhupada took Samadhi on Nov 14 , 1977 Samadhi can be explained in 2 ways 1)One can take Samadhi after he/she has achieved Ashtanyog. when samadhi is taken you can not feel the humans nerves and its like a dead body - He Soul-Jiva is straight connected to Parabrahm - Lord. 2)After the Death we usually use the term for Great Jivas that they have taken Samadhi
I might not be the best person, but i shall try my best on base of my limited knowledge :- A human who does sin is sure a sinner but a human who defends or protects the means of sin is more then a sinner. If any wrong happens then do not take it for granted. Being humble is not bad but we have to act according to the situation being in our limits. We are devotees of Lord, and Parabrahm (GOD) resides in a Body (Jiv) which deserves and acts accordingly. eg:- 2 bowls, one with hole and one without, pour water in both and the one with hole will drain out the water while the one without hole will still have water. Any act in defence is not a sin, if a lady comes to break ur Celibacy then you can protect ur self in 2 ways either by killing yourself or killing her VISE_VERSA if a man goes to Rape a women then she should defend herself by killing herself or the opposit person. At the same time our act should b such that people take positive things from us. Our behaviour should odour of being vaishnav. To Defend is not bad, but in our limits..... I hope this helps you to solve ur doubt.....nothing is I-M-POSSIBLE /images/graemlins/wink.gif
I am amazed people here do not know any detail and they get into conversation or argument or advice I joined this forum coz i thought people just dont talk... I m not sure if u'll have even understood Bhagwad....all what everyone believes is what people do except Krishna is rubbish.....If Lord Krishna is looking at you he would be so much ashamed.....Lord give u brains to think it right Why is Swaminaryan GOD? What does he say in Shikshapatri? Are Swaminaryan fools? i am sure that you dont know what Swaminaryan is.....To have a birth in a Swaminaryan family does not mean u r MR.KNOW IT ALL.....coz Yadava's who were the closest to Lord Krishna did not undertsnad him then how can anyone say that by reading Shikshapatri or by having birth in Swaminaryan family they know all http://www.swaminarayan.org/index.htm hope this helps.....if you have any queries PLEASE ASK dont comment without having knowledge.... its always appreciated...... Jai Shri Krishna Hare Hare Krishna Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Hare, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare mind you i m a SWAMINARYANA and I believe him as Parabrahma
As my friend said the best way is to chant Lord Krishnas name, similarly if you try and meditate on for Lords Murti in your mind as much as you can (we r jivas so not possible 24*7)that would solve your problem. I was going through the same stuff and all what i did was i Prayed that oh lord please lead me to you and help me to free my attachments towards the MAYA. Think and then Believe and if you so want to believe then force ur mind to think about GOD....whenever u think about some physical stuffs start chanting HIS name and meditate his Murti hope that solves your problem the way it solved mine. JaiShriKrishna May Lord lead you to his divine abode
if we believe we r Das of Krishna and thats Vaishnav, then why dont we concentrate on Krishna and serve him rather then looking at what people do? Vaishnav jan to tene kahiye je PeeD paraayi jaaNe re Par-dukhkhe upkaar kare toye Man abhimaan na aaNe re Vaishnav... SakaL lok maan sahune vande Nindaa na kare keni re Vaach kaachh man nishchaL raakhe Dhan-dhan janani teni re Vaishnav... Sam-drishti ne trishna tyaagi Par-stree jene maat re Jivha thaki asatya na bole Par-dhan nav jhaalee haath re Vaishnav... Moh-maaya vyaape nahi jene DriDh vairaagya jena man maan re Ram naam shoon taaLi laagi SakaL tirath tena tan maan re Vaishnav... VaN-lobhi ne kapaT-rahit chhe Kaam-krodh nivaarya re BhaNe Narsaiyyo tenun darshan karta KuL ekoter taarya re Vaishnav... -- Translation – One who is a vaishnav Knows the pain of others Does good to others, esp. to those ones who are in misery without letting pride enter his mind. A Vaishnav, Tolerates and praises the the entire world. Does not speak ill of others Keeps his/her promises, actions and thoughts pure O Vaishnav, your mother is blessed (dhanya-dhanya) A Vaishnav sees everything equally, rejects greed and avarice Considers some one else's wife/daughter as his mother The toungue may get tired, but will never speak lies Does not even touch someone else's property A Vaishnav does not succumb to worldly attachments Who has complete detachment to worldly pleasures Who has been addicted to the elixir coming by the name of Ram All the centres of pilgrimages are in his body. Who has no greed and deceit or does not conspirate Who has renounced lust of all types and anger The poet Narsi will like to see such a person By who's virtue, the entire family gets salvation
why should we, who have not attained GOD or PARAMATMA, comment on beliefs.....we have a long way to go and no time to look what people do.... look at the sky and u will find Krishna look at the human and u will find Krishna look at anything and u will find Krishna if this is true then y do we diffrentiate? here is a story i have heared:- A Brahmin was just going to sit for his Lunch and he had Rice in his plate, he went inside to get some Ghee...but inbetween there came a Dog and ate his rice...the Brahmin ran after the Dog not with a stick but with the bowl of Ghee saying oh God u came and ate rice and have the ghee as well" thats the stage where all u see u find God and all what happens u consider as Gods wish if there is wrong it will End...and God will end it...we humans cant end nothing...he is the real creator or destroyer.....why do we humans have to interrupt give a thought.....what r we? r we humans? r we Vaishnav? if we say we r Das of Krishna then why r we looking around the world????