The almighty can be found within you. This I happen to have found out on my own. Yes, I have been seeking the lord by the world means but to no avail. It was not until I almost had a mental breakdown due to my subconcious telling me negative things including that God had abandoned me. I even thought of the Devil as being a powerful being with a more busy presence. I felt completely lost, until I realized where the lord was located. God lives within us and only we ourselves can find him. The same with Satan, if we give our subconcious the allowance to believe and submerge into negative thoughts, we give satan the power to enter us. I kinda always knew that, but I didnt understand it fully until I used my own mind to analize it. This then gave me the power to control everything. Once I knew this, it was like satan also knew I had found out...and he rarely comes around to try again. At this point in life it has probably cost me life years by suffering, but at least I did not die yet and was able to find out. Also the subconcious seem to be a major tool to enlightened oneself, since it controls everything in your body, blood flow, nervous system, etc...for what I have learned if your mind, subconcious, not in tune, there is no God. Our God is one thing. But if I never existed "my God" would have never be.