Just like to add that Jayatirtha prabhu was reserved and even shy around women, as one of his students I should just like to put the record straight
Jayatirtha prabhu was not interested in sex with his disciples, he spent most of his free time engaged in Hari nama Sankirtana with his disciples and
amongst the women in his sangam like Gita Govinda, Madri, Sita, Lila Mo, Radha, Guna, Yasoda, Gaurangi, Draupadi,Kamala, ect , they would laugh
in your face if you suggested such a perverted story as the one sighted above.
Come on guys stop spreading here say by envious people looking to stand on the heads of saintly souls.
Srila Prabhupada is blessing him, it would take a most misguided person to try to stand between them with foul lies.
Where there is Lords Krsna , Guru and bhata, love, sweet smelling charm and divine grace flow in loving lila.
If we could spread just a faint hint of the magic Jayatirtha distributed in his short life we would not be able to remain in
this place of misguided and lost souls.
Jayatirtha always comes after Prabhupada, they left this world of Bhumi seva 10 years apart.
Prabupada on 14-11-1977
Jayatirtha on 13-11-1987
A mystical union of causeless mercy.