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  1. thankyou shiva,that rings true deep down what you say,and i will treasure your answer.haribol subal
  2. haribol,of late i have been feeling very low in spirit about having no physical association of devotees of the lord for 3 years now not even a telephone call. i cannot travel due the nature of my illnesses which also by their nature can cause predjudice.i used to love communal chanting and harinam when the body allowed and do know or remember being told that one needs these two activities to help ones japa , please please please anyone can advise me.hare krishna subal
  3. haribol mataji,having chronic active hepc myself and done the interferon ys ago you surprise me about the transplant and give me new hope,my energy is gone and a coctail of blood pressure drugs dont help plus diabetic ones also and the pain and subsequent opiates for this,my only real medicine is japa and would love harinam but no devotees will visit this part of the world,still i love all of your associations.hare krishna.subal aka surrender
  4. a journalist friend of mine in scarborough uk did google web search on hate your friends and got 1,470 odd hits or something.does this speak for itself?
  5. thankyou for such an uplifting posting which i am sure will help all ill devotees who read it.take care mataji haribol.
  7. very interesting and thought provoking,never did like coke anyway,speed yes.
  8. something in it makes me cough,they cant even make good smack no more,breadhead republicans/////
  9. pretty amazing stuff tarun,i for one am with you prabhuji,dont give up. keep it coming im sure alot who sit in the background are with you.dandavats samarpan
  10. cant you see it is all or mostly a ploy to quicken the new world order,axis of evil/get alife dubya,
  11. radhe radhe haribol valaya
  12. what a trip,at the same time they should drop dubya and his buddies a trip and go in dressed as jack daniels bottles and pee all over them,mescalito where are you?
  13. nice article tarun,talk to you soon ill just now but can read on and off.radhe radhe
  14. iran could be next as rumsfield reckons bin laden and al quaida members may have slipped into iran, here we go, good excuseNOT.china and russia are starting to get very peeved at americas arrogance,so am i and alot of people i know and how do you defend the effect sanctions on iraq are having on children there eh?
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