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  1. That's not God marrying people. When God marries a couple believe you me my friend.. U will know it because u will get to see-experience-feel GOD. Yes you actually see God. The breathe of God will enter your heart chakra and you will feel Bliss and Ecstacy beyond human comprehension. The people who get divorced are married by church and that's not the way GOD/LOVE intended it for it to be. The marriages by the church or any other institution are short lived because they aren't based on LOVE but Lust. People are deluded into thinking they are in LOVE. And Love is perfect and does not make mistakes.
  2. Before anyone gets married read up on some things first. There isn't any church/temple/synygogue/institution that should marry people. GOD literally unites 2 souls together by infusing them as 1. God is Love (PURE LOVE) Always look for God/Love in a relationship.. Seek God/Love in another person and u will find it.. U will know if the person is right for you when you see God and experience bliss and ecstacy beyond your wildest dream. You will have a cosmic orgasm which is soooooo wonderful and surpasses sex 1000000000000000000 times and then you shall meet your TWIN FLAME; in other words, the LOVe of your LIFE. You both will share the same experience. Only then you know that you have been married by GOD(LOVE) in GOD(LOVE) Until you really find that bond, that pure love, your relationships will most likely crumble and fade away with time. But if you find this Love, the Pure love that i'm talking about.. You will ascend to heaven with your Twin Flame and live forever /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. Well guys.. I just joined the site... I am not enlightened yet but I did see God already and I had a small discussion with him. I have also felt Jesus' and heard him speak to me on 2 different occasions. Let me just tell u one thing.. God is bliss and ecstacy beyond human comprehension.. He is Pure Love/Light and in the higher dimensions (when your soul gets transported there) he is everything around you. As Jesus says "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see GOD" and God says "You will seek me and find me if you seek me with all your heart" Don't forget, God also punishes people. I was punished greatly and have a lot more to come, but God disciplines those he loves and punishes those he accepts as a son. Before anyone accuses me of anything I would just like to state that I believe in the Universal religion of LOVE/LIGHT/PEACE/UNITY but I was born and raised Christian. First of all Christ is a consciousness of unity which a person must attain in order to merge back with GOD/LOVE (GOD=LOVE) and ascend to higher dimensions of existance. Now for those of you wondering what Ascension is.. here is a definition: ASCENSION: The process when the body, mind, and spirit merge with the Monad (the individual's inner divinity). The physical body's molecular structure changes and becomes infused with light. Matter no longer holds consciousness in the body. Conscious instead is held on to physical reality by pure spiritual energy coming from the god-self, into the individual, combined with the individual's will. Such individuals are said to possess great powers and abilities (healing, teleportation, immortality, bilocating etc.) When a person ascends he becomes an ascended master. Like Jesus, Krishna, Buddha. They are embodiments of Pure Love ASCENDED MASTER: is the term given to a soul that has transcended the limitations of Time and Space and has been assumed into the Eternal Cities of Light. They are often saints and great masters, but they are also ordinary people who have purified their body, mind, and spirit.
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