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neerajkaushik last won the day on May 31 2016

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About neerajkaushik

  • Birthday 02/19/1974


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    Astrology & Research analysis
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  1. Dear Sir/Madam I'm a student of Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi. I want to join this group for helping the people with whatever knowledge of astrology i've. Plz add me in this group. Regards N
  2. Hi Dear 1.There're multiple affliction (in D-1, D-9 & D-7 charts) in ur horoscope as regard children are concerned but i'm sure that God will listen to you. I'll advice you to do jap of Gopal Shahstranaam daily. 2. Though there're indications that there'll be problems regarding adjustment with your spouse but i don't find any indications of separations. 3. From 30th March 2011 your Ven dasha will start. In that time there'll be no effect of Yellow sapphire. As of now no stone is recommended to you. Regards Neeraj
  3. Dear Neha Plz mention the lagna of this chart. Regrads Neeraj
  4. Dear Arcturus I hope by this time the things must have improved at ur end. I checked ur horoscope. Actually From July 2010 to Nov 2010 you has antardasha of Moon who's your lord of 5th posited in 8th. This period is generally not goo from any point. But now since its over & u r under Mars antardasha, i hopt things must have been ok at ur end. Regards Neeraj
  5. Dear Neelima Can you plz tell about the place of ur birth? AP is a big state. Plz have faith in HIM. However dark the night may be, it can't stop day to rise. Your god days will also come. Regards Neeraj
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