Hare Krishna,
I am 22 years old and have been follwing the hare krishna movement for sometime now,
at the moment i chant 1 round a day, dont eat meat, take any intoxications, and am trying very hard to stay away from illicit sex, i also do service at my local temple at least once a week (distribute prashadam), and i also try and attend as many arti's as possible to take darshan of the Lord.
i have recently started reading a few small books, i have gotten through science of self realisation, elements of vedic thoughts and culture, and a few other small books.
i was wondering if you guys can help me in moving forward pratically.. i.e can you help me with prayers, for example the prayers i should be saying when....
1) i wake up........
2) before eating any meals
3) prayers to offer food to Lord Krishna (as i will be living out alone this year and want to do everything correctly)
4) Prayers before bedtime
5) prayers i should be saying whenever i enter the temple room and bow down infront of the lord.
also can you help with temple eticate (excuse my spelling)
for example when seeing a mharaj i shud bow down etc.......
i know this is a long request but i would be grateful for any help....