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  1. Hare Krishna As i understand it we were once all in the spirtual world, and fell due to greed and envy (although some certain special souls were sent down to do Krishna's work) but most of us fell. now it says the material creation is 10% in comparison to 90% spirtual world. Now after we die our soul changes body according to what our karma, and if we really good the off back to godhead. so once the soul changes clothes (bodies) the material mind cannot remember what its past life was, but does the soul remember?? the aim of my question is.... i am assuming up till now i have gone thru millions of bodies, and in eachone i had a mother and father and a family (be it animal or human) now say i make it out in this life time, will i ever see any of my family again if they make it out too? I know the whole aim in the spirtual world is to serve Krishna and think of Krishna etc etc, and i Know Krishna is very compasinate and loving towards his devotees, so i cant see why he would be so creul as to not let us meet up with other souls we have met in our past and let us serve him together?? i hope this question makes sence.....its just that i have been told you will never see anyone again and i find it very hard to understand.can anyone give any relvant quotes?? Thank You Hari-bol
  2. is there any sort of pre-view online??? i am very interested!!!!!!! Hare Krishna
  3. Hari-bol can anybody give me any information on the descendents of Lord Ram...i think they called Rhag-Kul Hare Krishna
  4. Hari bol......... i am sorry if this is an offensive question....... i was wondering what any of the iskcon books have to say about any of Krishna's desendents.... as i have a very vague idea that Krishna' had lots of children and so there must be somone alive today that is from his family?? i recently had this conversation with another devotee and he didnt know much but was also very interested.. he said from what he knows they were all killed in war, but he isn't too sure and i have been to many lectures, and have never heard anybody speak on Krishna's desendents.... Any information would be wonderful Hare Krishna
  5. Hari bol, this is a question just out of curiosity, even tho i know the Gita was spoken more then 5000 years ago, by the Lord, and i know that no paper would last that long, so my question is what is the oldest Gita that exists on this planet and where do you guys think it is? Also i know the Vedas are as old as time itself, but what is the oldest one we have on this planet? Hare Krishna
  6. i have heard other devotees talk about this but have never really understood. they say "we" as in "hare-krishna's or vaishnava's" are not hindu. can somebody please explain...what i got so far is that hinddu is a made up term....and also sanatan dhrama is what we practice which is different to what hindu's believe?? im confused.... some help please Hare krishna
  7. Hare Krishna, I am 22 years old and have been follwing the hare krishna movement for sometime now, at the moment i chant 1 round a day, dont eat meat, take any intoxications, and am trying very hard to stay away from illicit sex, i also do service at my local temple at least once a week (distribute prashadam), and i also try and attend as many arti's as possible to take darshan of the Lord. i have recently started reading a few small books, i have gotten through science of self realisation, elements of vedic thoughts and culture, and a few other small books. i was wondering if you guys can help me in moving forward pratically.. i.e can you help me with prayers, for example the prayers i should be saying when.... 1) i wake up........ 2) before eating any meals 3) prayers to offer food to Lord Krishna (as i will be living out alone this year and want to do everything correctly) 4) Prayers before bedtime 5) prayers i should be saying whenever i enter the temple room and bow down infront of the lord. also can you help with temple eticate (excuse my spelling) for example when seeing a mharaj i shud bow down etc....... i know this is a long request but i would be grateful for any help.... Hare-Krishna
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