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  1. i would like to what are the procedures for conversion under jainism, budhism, and sikhism?
  2. is there website that contains exclusive details about sati?
  3. is there website that contains exclusive details about sati?
  4. what will happen if the woman had children and her husband died?
  5. what will happen if the woman had children and her husband died?
  6. "They are steeped in ignorance and sunk into the greatest depth of misery who worship the uncreated eternal matter, instead of the All-Pervading God and those who worship things born of matter like trees, animals, man, etc. are sunk deeper in misery." Ishopanishad
  7. Both Buddhism and Jainism deny the existence of God or the First Cause which is responsible for the entire creation. But both acknowledge the presence of gods, who are higher than human beings in status but subject to change and evolution and also plane of higher beings, called Jinas or Kevalins by Jains and Bodhisattvas by Buddhists. The Bodhisattvas take interest in the welfare of the world and work for its liberation, but the Kevalins are rather indifferent to our prayers and problems and remain unaffected. so if both do not accept the existence of gods, how can we say that they are the very incarnations of the lord, especially in the case of buddha, who is considered 2 b an incarnation of vishnu
  8. Both Buddhism and Jainism deny the existence of God or the First Cause which is responsible for the entire creation. But both acknowledge the presence of gods, who are higher than human beings in status but subject to change and evolution and also plane of higher beings, called Jinas or Kevalins by Jains and Bodhisattvas by Buddhists. The Bodhisattvas take interest in the welfare of the world and work for its liberation, but the Kevalins are rather indifferent to our prayers and problems and remain unaffected. so if both do not accept the existence of gods, how can we say that they are the very incarnations of the lord, especially in the case of buddha, who is considered 2 b an incarnation of vishnu
  9. Bhagvad Gita 7:23- antavat tu phalam tesam tad bhavaty alpa-medhasam devan deva-yajo yanti mad-bhakta yanti mam api Bhagavat Gita 7-23 : Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet. Bhagvad Gita 7:24- avyaktam vyaktim apannam manyante mam abuddhayah param bhavam ajananto mamavyayam anuttamam Bhagvad Gita 7-24:The foolish regard Me as the unmanifested coming in manifestation, knowing not My higher, immutable, unsurpassed nature. Not knowing my higher nature as the Supreme Self, the ignorant think that I have just now come into manifestation, having been unmanifested hitherto, though I am the ever luminous Lord.To what is their ignorance due The gita also suggests that it is wrong to believe that God in the manifested form can be worshipped, because if done so, then it is done by people of lesser intelligence! Further, na tasya pratima asti” (There is no image of Him) [Yajurved 32 : 3]
  10. "Is it not the height of foolishness to worship manmade images of stone, clay or metal? Does it not betray utter ignorance and superstition? " This objection, which is very common, has been raised without a proper understanding of the great and sublime principle behind image worship. No Hindu ever worships these images considering them as God Himself. Though they are insentient images it is the conscious and sentient God that is brought to the mind by them even as we remember the living and conscious person when we see his photograph. If even this is objected to, then, the Christians who worship the crucifix, the Muslims who adore the Kaaba stone or the patriots who honour the national flag all of them will have to be dubbed as idolators! As regards the superstitions, the less said, the better. It is a well known fact of European history that hapless old women were branded as witches and burnt. Even today, the number 13 is believed by many in the West to bring bad luck. If by chance a shirt is worn inside out, they consider it as a bad omen that indicates failure in endeavours. The killing of the chameleons by the Muslims can also be cited as another example. Actually many Hindu practices ridiculed as superstitions have deeper philosophical and psychological truths behind them than meets the eye. Even granting that superstitions do exist, they are all harmless. Lastly, the blind faith of the modem man in science and technology as if they are omnipotent, forgetting that they have miserably failed to give him peace of mind, is the greatest superstition of all!
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