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  1. It has been several months of my marriage. My marriage is not yet consumtd. My wife is afraid of intercorse. Problem does not end here. She is having lot of emotional outbursts. She screams, throws things around. She is stubborn. Does not listen to me. Threatens me about suicide. Every time she raises a tantrum, i pacify her. But over this course of time, I have lost my piece of mind and my health has started getting affected. Of late I am getting several health problems because of constant worry and lack of mental peace. One of the counselors and healer, me and my wife met, later told me this marriage will give me lot of trouble. Just after 6 months of my marriage, I was in a state of mind where I have no ambitions... I just need some peace of mind. I am afraid if I continue this marriage what more health problems I will end up getting. I am worried about what will my parents face when they come to live with us. At the time of my marriage, some of the astrologers said it is an excellent match since the lagna and the chandra in our horoscope are opposite to each other. I too got an intuition that I should marry this girl. One of the astrologers we met recently, said that her horoscope appears to be wrong since at the birth-time mentioned only a male child could be born. I request some Guruji to please take a look at this chart and suggest me what I can do. Why I am going through this problem. My wifes birth time is 9:54am .. Dec fifth, 1985, place bangalor. She is Poorva Phalguni Nakshara and Makara Lagna. My birth time time is 10:10am.. May ninth, 1980, place dandeli. I am Satabhisha nakshatra and Karka Lagna. Some points which might help correct her birth time: in case it is not correct. She is around 5 feet, asthmatic, troubled childhood with lot of beatings from mother. Skin having small boils often. One younger sister. Both parents working in Govt. Thanks and Regards, sjp
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