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  1. I really need advice from all. My DOB - 29/11/1964 Time of Birth:- 5.45am Place : Mersing , Malaysia. I am heavly in debts ,my marraige life is not happy. I may lose waht ever I worked for , please help me with any sadhana , I need to do. Sometime I feel like to commit sucide but looking at my son , I am still holding it. Please help me
  2. Dear All, My details Name:- Ravindaran Rajoo (Male) DOB:- 29/11/1964 TIME:- 5.45am PLACE OF BIRTH:- MERSING, MALAYSIA I am going through a very stress full period now. Sometimes I feel like to end my life. Debts unhappy married life. Even though I try to talk to my wife she just don't care and just want what she want's. There are no happiness at all. Please somebody help me with your advice or redemeis to ease my pain. I don't know what would I do if things goes likes this???
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