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  1. I am 12 weeks pregnant and have glucose in my urine 100mg/dl. Blood sugar is perfectly fine at 74 even 3 hrs after a meal (i.e. post-prandial). Never any issues of diabetes. My diet is super healthy and vegetarian. No fried foods or cheeses or icecream or snacks, soda etc. I drink lots of water, start the day with hot lime water, do yoga, walk. Perfect BMI weight. I have been told I have weak kidneys so this could be renal glycosuria. I have chronic digestion, liver (cannot digest fat, protein) and constipation issues which are also terrible than ever. The typical remedies of gudmar, cinnamon etc are out during pregnancy I am told. I have started incorporating some bitter melon juice - 1tbsp on empty stomach daily. Any suggestions for the glucose in urine and improving digestion, constipation much appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Hello, I am a 37 yr old female who just an FET (frozen embryo transfer) done - it was negative. They had put me on extra estrogen and progesterone to thicken the lining even though my lining was fine (as it is standard procedure). One week after stopping the hormone injections, I got my periods but this time, the flow is very very little and barely lasted a day - it was watery, light pink and today is the 4 day with little spotting and on and off stomach pain. I took some homeopathy without any relief and also drank flax seed boiled water with jaggery and ghee. The first day I got a white-red huge clot. The periods before this in Feb - flow had lasted 4 days with many clots. My nurse is afraid that when I do another cycle in May, I may get a hematoma (bleeding clot) just like I did when I was pregnant last year (miscarriage at 10 weeks). At that time due to stale blood inside, I kept bleeding daily. I have liver stagnation (poor ability to digest fats, poor digestion and multiple bowel movements - 5 a day). Not found relief in any of this over last 6 yrs. I cannot stand the cold and have poor blood circulation. Hair loss, Slightly hypothyroid (under control now). Please please recommend something to clear out Menstrual congestion. Any help will be much appreciaed.
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