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Ash Lash

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  1. I am hoping that this is a case of a little bit of knowledge is dangerous... I am just starting to study my astrology chart, and learning more about my self, when I stumbled across this statement "the person who has Saturn and Venus in the third house is assured of the knowledge that they are going to die, and the death will be a long and horrible death".. I have this conjunction. It went on to discuss the 8th house and its relationship to this particular conjuction...it was very grim. I am really upset by this, because in the last five years I have truly turned my life around and I am becoming so happy.. I have come from a really dark place... Any way, this news has really rocked me, and I am hoping that some more learned astrologers can kindly explain this statement to me in more detail... I know there are no guarantees in life, I just hoped that I would make it to live and love through some good years.... 11 july 1972 Subiaco, Western Australia 22:59 I so appreciate your time to consider my situation, and words would be appreciated.. ash
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