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  1. so, if your head is supposed to be pointing east or south, it means that your feet are supposed to be pointing west or north? thanks Haribol
  2. Hare Krishna! i always get confused...how is the direction taken? is it the direction the feet are pointing to? or is it the direction the top/vertex of the head is pointing to? thanks Haribol
  3. Babhru, please accept my most humble obeisances! His Divinity Swami Prakashanand Saraswati in his "The Shikchastak" quotes the verses in this order : 1. Na dhanam na janam.... 2. Ayi nanda-tanuj... 3. Namnam Akari.. 4. trinad api... 5. nayanam galad-asru... 6. aslisya va... 7. yugayitam nimisena.. 8. Ceto-darpana marjaram... is this the order given in Padyavali? Swami Prakashanand Saraswati has a unifying theme from verse to verse, culminating at the last verse (which we usually associate as being the first verse), where Swamiji details the 7 stages of bhao-bhakti in the ceto-darpana verse. thanks! Haribol!
  4. of all this debate....when in reality in the spiritual realm there is no difference between the source and the avatar? (as documented in the Vedas). one may worship any form of the Supreme Lord and achieve the abode of that Lord. So, if you are a worshipper of Lord Narayan, all glories to you! Whether its Vishnu or Krishna, both are in the category of Vishnu-tattva. now....as to why we cherish our beloved Shyamsundar soooooo much. While the aishwarya and magnificence and wonderfulness of Vishnu is beyond our calculation, it is also an undeniable fact that the sweetness and lusciousness of Shri Krishna's qualities and leelas are unmatched, in any other God or avatar, in any Sanatan Dharma sampradaya or any other religion. This, i firmly believe, is NOT a Gaudiya concoction. Haribol!
  5. Hare Krishna and all glories to Srila Prabhupada!! in this digital age, is the divinity of a deity present in a photo or video of the deity? for those of us who live hours away from a Gaudiya temple, that would be a real boon Haribol
  6. He comes on TVAsia on wednesday morning - I am guessing he is from ISKCON in India? thanks Haribol
  7. Hare Krishna and all glories to Srila Prabhupada! Has anyone been able to locate the original Geetopanishad that Srila Prabhupada wrote in the late 1940's, and the manuscript subsequently got stolen just as he found a publisher to publish it? Haribol
  8. also recently heard that a famous Indian actor, Amitabh Bachan, has recently donated diamond jewelerry (maybe a crown?) to Lord Vanketeswara worth Rs. 10 Crore (for having his operation be a success) Haribol.
  9. Ash....the "plenary" issue is a bit more complex than that, and i myself dont fully understand it. From a Sidhanta point of view, any "portion" of Brahman, or of the Supreme, MUST also be equal to the Supreme. Now how this equality is explained differs between the various philosophical schools. An expansion of that which is "purna" MUST be also "purna" (or "complete"). gHari - that sequence that His Divine Grace has given us in the purport to SB 6.16.37, is this sequence given by Lord Caitanya? if not, in which shastra is it referenced from? thanks Haribol
  10. It seems that they are often referred to inter-changeably, but what is the difference between the two? thanks! Haribol
  11. Hare Krishna and all glories to Srila Prabhupada!! Please accept my most humble obeisances. i have a question regarding Sutak, or the period of "cleansing" prescribed in the scriptures for family members who have had a birth or death in the family. The rules are described in the Garuda Purana. What is the Gaudiya position on Sutak? i assume that we continue to do japa during this time period? how about doing puja/arati of the Supreme Lord or visiting His temple? Are there statements by Prabhupada on this issue? thanks! Haribol!
  12. Hare Krishna and thanks for your response! is there not mention in writings of the 6 goswamis that one should internally meditate on the kunja-lila of Shri Krishna with the bhava of a manjari? and how is this different from what is now called ekadasa bhava? thank you so much Haribol!
  13. thanks! i was recently told it is "Gauriya" based on Lord Gauranga. HariboL!
  14. is it pronounced "Gauriya" or "GawDiya" ? thanks Haribol
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